The Biochemics

Treatment of common diseases by biochemic tissue salts.

The Biochemics

Biochemic Repertory

Biochemic Repertory Mind After effect of disappointment: Calc. Phos. After effect of grief, Calc. Phos,, Kali Phos. After effect of fright, Kali Phos. Ambitionless, Nat. Phos. Angry, Nat. Mur. Apprehensive. Kali Phos. Anxiety, Cale. Phos., Kali Phos. Brain fag, Kali Phos. Silicea. Changeable mood, Calc. Fluor. Cretinism, Calc. Phos., Silicea. Confused feeling, Cale. fluor Crying […]

The Biochemics

Maintenance of Health by Tissue Salts

Maintenance of Health by Tissue Salts With the onset of middle age, there can be follow middle age spread. This is a clear indication that Avoiding Summer Ills Kali Mur., Nat. Phos. and Nat. Sulph. help to safeguard summer health. All are excellent digestive aids. Autumn and Winter Ferr. Phos., Kali Mur. and Nat. Mur.

The Biochemics

Biochemic Treatment of Skin Diseases

Biochemic Treatment of Skin Diseases Skin is the surface layers which covers the body, protects the underlying tissues from injury, drying and invasion by foreign germs; helps to regulate the body temperature. Skin owing to its vast exposed area to the external environment is vulnerable to many diseases too. Acne The first sign of getting

The Biochemics

Joint, Muscle and Back Pains

Pain Pain is a timely indication that the human machine is not running as smoothly as it should, there is friction somewhere. It has been well said that “pain is a prayer of nerve for relief”. Give prompt heed to these pains, note their nature and location and select the tissue salt most closely corresponding,

The Biochemics

Biochemic Treatment of Male Disorders

Biochemic Treatment of Male Disorders Impotence The inability of a man to maintain an erection of the penis and his consequent inability to perform sexual intercourse. It can be due to physical abnormalities like small penis or deformed penis or disease like syphilis, diabetes, alcoholism or drug addiction, etc. It can be due to purely

The Biochemics

Cough, Cold & Lung Disorders

Cough, Cold & Lung Disorders Common Cold (Coryza) Due to infection with one of wide variety of viruses. Symptoms include nasal congestions, dripping, sneezing and muscle aching. Hot baths and drinking plenty of fluids are helpful. Smoking must be stopped. Hay fever has similar symptoms and is called allergic rhinitis. Catarrh An excessive secretion from

The Biochemics

Diabetes | Kidney | Urine Disorders

Diabetes | Kidney | Urine Disorders Bladder Disorders Inflammation of the urinary bladder is usually due to infection by a germ, together with a lowered state of health. Some types of germs are so powerful that they alone will cause inflammation of the bladder, but these are not common. The causes which tend to lower

The Biochemics

Heart | Blood Pressure Disorders

Heart | Blood Pressure Disorders Pressure HIGH: It is a condition in which a person’s blood pressure is higher than it should normally be when all variables are taken into account. It is a symptom rather than a disease. It may be benign, with cause unknown, or it is often hereditary in origin. Organic or

The Biochemics

Head | Brain | Sleep | Nervous System Disorders

Head | Brain | Sleep | Nervous System Disorders Headache Headache is one of the most commonplace of human ailments. It is symptomatic of many disease conditions, some slight and others more serious, and it can arise from a variety of causes. The brain itself is insensitive to pain. It is probable that the pain

The Biochemics

Biochemic Treatment of Fever, Pain and Inflammation

Biochemic Treatment of Fever, Pain and Inflammation Fever Fever is a condition characterised by an increase in body temperature, it is one of the most common symptoms of disease but should be regarded as secondary to the disordered state with which it is associated. The temperature of the human body in health ranges between 98.4

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