Diabetes | Kidney | Urine Disorders

Diabetes | Kidney | Urine Disorders

Bladder Disorders

Inflammation of the urinary bladder is usually due to infection by a germ, together with a lowered state of health. Some types of germs are so powerful that they alone will cause inflammation of the bladder, but these are not common.

The causes which tend to lower the body’s resistance are injury or congestion of the bladder wall and stagnation of the urine. Stagnation of the urine may be due to a variety of causes in the passage from the

bladder to the exterior (the urethra), such as stricture (narrowing of the passage), enlargement of the prostate gland which surrounds the neck of the bladder, the presence of stone or other foreign body and also various conditions affecting the nerve supply to the bladder.

The principal disorders are acute and chronic inflammation, stones, tumours causing obstruction or neurogenic bladder.

  • Ferr. Phos. and Kali Mur. 6x. Alternately in acute and chronic inflammation of bladder (cystitis).
  • Mag. Phos. Constant urge to urinate, urine is passed in drops.
  • Calc. Phos. and Silicea. Alternately for stone in bladder (vesical calculi).
  • Kali Phos. Cystitis with marked prostration. Urine scalding. Cutting pain while passing urine.

Urinary Symptoms

From kidneys to urethra, the urinary tract is a long one and comprises kidney, ureters bladder, prostateinmales. All these parts are vulnerable to many affections and show many symptoms.

  • Calc. Phos. Tendency to stone in the bladder, bed-wetting in young children and old people.
  • Ferrum Phos. Incontinence of urine, if due to weakness of the sphincter muscles, often seen in women. Irresistible urging to urinate in daytime, aggravated by standing.
  • Kali Phos. Frequent urination and large quantities of urine, scalding. Incontinence of urine from nervous weakness. Bed-wetting in older children.
  • Mag. Phos. Constant urgency to urinate when standing or walking. Spasmodic retention of urine.
  • Nat. sulph. Bed wetting at night or retention of urine. Sandy deposit in urine. Especially for gouty patient.
  • Nat. Phos. Chief remedy for catarrh of bladder and diabetes.
  • Nat Mur Involuntary urination when walking of coughing. Bed wetting in children with excessive flow of watery urine.

Diabetes Mellitus

A chronic metabolic disorder that causes persistent thirst, excessive urination, weight loss and a surplus of sugar in the blood and urine. Diabetes can afflict any age group. An insufficiency of insulin production by the pancreas for the metabolizing of food sugars and starches produces the diabetic condition.

Excessive hunger, frequent urination, vision problems, itching especially in the genital area and slow healing of cuts and bruises are the symptoms. It can damage blood vessels, eyes, nerve and muscles as well kidneys.

  • Calc. Phos. Polyuria, with weakness, much thirst, dry mouth and tongue: flabby, sunken abdomen. Craving for bacon and salt. Glycosuria with affections of lungs.
  • Ferr. Phos. as an intercurrent remedy.
  • Kali Phos. Nervous prostration, weakness, sleeplessness and ravenous hunger.
  • Kali Mur. Excessive and sugery urine; great weakness.
  • Nat Mur. Polvuria: unquenchable thirst: emaciation; loss of sleep and appetitie hammering headache; great prostration and despondency.
  • Nat. Sulph. Diabetes due to deficiency of pancreatic secretion.


Deposition of small crystals in urine forms gravels, they are often passed unnoticed.

  • Nat. Sulph. Is the chief remedy. Use in 6x potency,
  • Nat. Phos. If much acidity is present.

Affections of Kidney

Kidneys are the organs responsible for filtering the waste from blood and excreting it out. Owing to be in contact with wasteful nitrogenous products, are sensitive to various affections, infections, inflammation stones and tumours.

  • Calc. Phos. Albuminous urine. Bright’s discase.
  • Ferr. Phos. Acute nephritis; urine contains mucous sediment, blood cells. Uraemic vomiting.
  • Kali phos. Great functional disturbance, in alternation with Calc. Phos. Urine contains albumin.
  • Kali Sulph. Diseases of the kidney after scarlet fever, albuminous urine.
  • Kali. Mur. Inflammatory discase of the kidney. Parenchymatous nephritis. Urine contains albumin, dirty yellow sediments.
  • Nat. Mur. Tension and heat in renal region. Haematuria, urine contains brick dust sediment. Albuminuria. Bright’s discase.
  • Nat. Sulph. Helps in eliminating gravel by its diuretic action.
  • Nat. Phos. Gravel in the kidneys.

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