Cough, Cold & Lung Disorders

Cough, Cold & Lung Disorders

Common Cold (Coryza)

Due to infection with one of wide variety of viruses. Symptoms include nasal congestions, dripping, sneezing and muscle aching. Hot baths and drinking plenty of fluids are helpful. Smoking must be stopped. Hay fever has similar symptoms and is called allergic rhinitis.

  • Ferrum Phos. for feverishness, stuffiness and sneezing.
  • Kali Mur. for the second stage when there is white phlegm and stuffiness.
  • Nat. Mur. Running. watery colds with chilliness and general feeling of discomfort. Loss of taste and smell and dryness of the skin.
  • Calc. Phos. A short course of this remedy is helpful in convalescence.


An excessive secretion from the mucous membranes particularly those of the air a nasal passages. It usually bigins as catarrh (coryza) with a feeling of stuffiness and sneezing, accompanied by a profuse, watery discharge from the eyes and nose.

Sometimes there is a loss of sense of smell and taste. There may also be soreness of the throat with bronchial irritation and symptoms similar to those of the common cold. The nature of the discharge is a guide to the tissue salts required.

  • Ferr. Phos. First or inflammatory stage: catarrhal fever; congestion of nasal membranes.
  • Kali Mur. Second stage of catarrhal troubles with white, thick, tenacious phelgm (not transparent). Catarrh of the head, with stuffy sensation; white or white or grey coated tongue.
  • Nat Mur. Catarrh with watery, transparent discharges. Catarrh of anaemic people, with frothy discharges, sometimes having a salty taste. Loss of sense of smell.
  • Calc. Phos. Is an important remedy in catarrhal affections of anaemic persons and chronic cases. Discharge is albuminous, transparent, like white of an egg. It should be used with other indicated remedy in alternation for its tonic action.
  • Kali Sulph. Third stage of all catarrhs; when the discharges or secretions are yellow and slimy. Thin, yellow discharge from the nose. Generally used after Kali Mur. Symptoms are worse in the evening or in a warm room.
  • Calc. Sulph. Catarrh of any membrane when the discharge is thick, yellow, watery and sometimes mixed with blood.
  • Nat. Sulph. Catarrh with profuse secretion of green mucus. Catarrha of damp locality dwellers, aggravated at every change of the weather.
  • Silicea. Chronic catarrh with offensive discharge. Excessive dryness or ulceration of the edge of the nostrils. Itching of the tip of the nose.


Coughing is a symptom that occurs during the course of most diseases of the respiratory organs. It should not, however, be neglected as it may be the beginning of more serious trouble, e.g., bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. The nature and consistency of the expectoration point to the tissue salt required. There are some coughs which are due to causes outside the respiratory tract and if there is no disease of this tract, medical advice should be sought.

  • Calc. Phos. Suffocative cough; better by lying down. Cough with expectoration of tough and stringy mucus: intercurrently in cough of consumptives.
  • Cale. Fluor. Cough with expectoration of yellowish tiny lumps of mucus; tickling cough.
  • Cale. Sulph. Loose and watery expectoration, may be blood-streaked.
  • Ferr. Phos. First stage of all coughs: short, dry, painful cough after colds, with feverishness and soreness in the chest: rattling mucus in chest; worse at night.
  • Kali Mur. Loud noisy cough felt in the stomach: croupy, hard cough with thick, white expectoration; white or greyish white tongue; whooping-like spasms.
  • Kali Sulph. Cough with slimy, yellow phlegm. Much rattling: patient feels worse in warm room, or in the evening; weary feeling in throat.
  • Mag. Phos. Spasmodic and whooping cough; worse at night: cough dry in nervous patients, lungs sore and painful.
  • Nat. Mur. Chronic cough; salty, thin, watery expectoration; dry, tickling cough. Uvula swollen and elongated.
  • Nat. Sulph. Cough with thick greenish expectoration; worse in damp weather; with soreness and pain in left side of chest: all-gone sensation; sympathetic cough in bilious troubles.
  • Silicea. Chronic coughs with thick, profuse yellow-green expectoration; worse in morning or on rising, from cold drinks; sputum offensive.


Bronchitis is an inflammatory condition of the mucous membranes of the bronchial tubes. It may follow a cold or catarrh. The usual symptoms are feverishness with a harsh, dry cough and wheezing respiration. The painful chest symptoms become less distressing when expectoration begins. Rest in bed and a light diet, with warm drinks, are beneficial.

If the inflammation spreads into the smaller bronchial tubes the symptoms become intensified with respiration rapid and difficult. Special care should be taken in the case of the very young and the aged.

  • Ferrum Phos. Is the first remedy; should be given in 3x at frequent intervals. Fever, congestion: short painful cough, oppressive breathing are the indications for its use.
  • Kali Mur. Expectoration thick white, if fever present should be used alternately with Ferrum Phos.
  • Kali. Sulph. Expectoration light yellow, watery and copious, or greenish yellow.
  • Calc. Sulph. Expectoration yellow or greenish mixed with blood. Stage of resolution.
  • Silicea. Expectoration thick, yellow and heavy; cough better after warm drink but worse by cold in general.
  • Nat. Sulph. Must hold the chest for pain while coughing. Asthmatic spells; more in morning.
  • Nat. Mur. One of the best remedies for chronic bronchitis; winter cough with loose, watery mucus.
  • Calc. Phos. Expectoration like white of an egg, not watery; especially in anaemic persons.

Croup (Difficult and Noisy Respiration in Children)

Croup is a term used to denote various ailments characterised by swelling which partially blocks the entrance to the larynx. It occurs in children and is accompanied by wheezing inspiration. It can sometimes be serious on account of the risk of a complete blockage and suffocation.

The attack usually comes on suddenly at night, following a chill. The breathing is hoarse and croaking and there may be a struggling for breath. A child subject to attacks of croup should be especially guarded against cold and damp until the tendency is outgrown. Medical advice should be sought.

  • Ferr. Phos. and Kali Mur. are the chief remedies; use alternately in 3x.
  • Mag. Phos. Spasmodic closure of windpipe: sudden shrilled voice; suffocative cough.
  • If the above remedies do not act, give Calc. Phos, and Calc. Fluor.

Whooping Cough

Known as pertussis it is a highly contagious bacterial decease endemic everywhere, now controllable by immunization, often affects during childhood. It is caused by Hemophilus pertussis which infects the mucous membrane of respiratory tract.

Spread by airborne germs expelled during coughing. Starts with sneezing, tears from eyes, loss of appetite and a dry cough which becomes productive later on. Paroxysmal with a typical whoop at the end of paroxysm.

  • Calc. Phos. May be needed in weak, teething children and in obstinate cases with emaciation.
  • Mag. Phos. It is the principal remedy (give in warm water).


Asthma is a disorder of respiration characterised by severe paroxysms of difficult breathing especially exhaling the breath, usually followed by a period of complete relief, with recurrence of the attacks at more or less frequent intervals.

Asthma manifests itself due to spasmodic contraction of the smaller bronchial tubes. It is this narrowing of the bronchial tubes, often accentuated by swelling of the lining epithelium, that is responsible for the great difficulty in breathing which is the characteristic feature of the condition.

There are a large number of substances to which the asthmatic subject may be hypersensitive, contact with which is responsible for an attack. These include pollens, the emanations of certain animals such as cats, dogs, horses.etc; certain articles of diet; bacteria. The discovery of the substance to which the individual is susceptible may sometimes be difficult.

In many cases the specific susceptibility) may be enhanced by some non-specific condition, such as emotional disturbance, indigestion or an infection such as a sore throat or a “cold in the head.” There is yet another group of asthmatic subjects in whom the asthma is due to some chronic or reepeated infection, such as attacks of tonsillitis, sinusitis, or nasal catarrh.

Asthma is more common in men than in women and the first attack usually occurs in childhood. According to Dr. Schuessler, a deficiency of certain tissue salts can lead to attacks of asthma. Some alleviation of the symptoms may be obtained with the use of the appropriate tissue salt.

  • Kali Phos. Chief remedy for asthma, in large and frequent doses in hot water (3x). Alternate with appropriate remedies for nervous asthma, hay asthma or hay fever, asthma from taking the least food; nervous system depressed, cardiac asthma.
  • Calc. Phos. Bronchial asthma; expectoration clear and tough, or thick, yellow. Infants: aggravation on lifting up from bed Alternate with Nat. Phos. for infants.
  • Calc. Fluor. Yellow, tiny lumps of matter raised with difficulty, oppressed breathing as if breathing through a tough surface.
  • Kali Sulph. Bronchial asthma. Yellow expectoration worse in summers, or warm atmosphere; after taking food. Better in cold air.
  • Kali Mur. Coated tongue, constipation, sluggish liver. Phlegm thick, white, tough, hard to cough up. Cardiac asthma, heart and lungs feel constricted. Alternate with Kali. Phos.
  • Nat. Mur. Phlegm clear, frothy; water flows from eyes and nose; every inspiration jerky. Alternate with Kali Phos. Sometimes 200x at long interval is beneficial.
  • Mag. Phos. Spasmodic nervous asthma, constrictive feeling in chest: give repeated doses in hot water; wheezing, nausea, loose cough.
  • Nat. Sulph. Specially for children and young people. Worse from wet weather and sea climate. Dirty, greenish grey or brown tongue, bitter taste; loose stools. Eradicative on continuous use.
  • Silicea. Wants fresh air, difficult breathing. Thunder clouds aggravate. Alternate with Nat. Sulph.


Difficult or uncomfortable breathing, a symptom associated with such respiratory disorders as asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis and pneumonia. High blood pressure and heart failure are other reasons.

Severe allergic reactions, obesity or ernotional stress can also produce it.

Air pollution or climbing high altitude also causes temporary dyspnoea. Persistent and severe dyspnoea requires investigation.

  • Kali Phos. & Nat. Mur. 6x in hot water usually relieves it.


A succession of sharp, gasping sounds caused by spasmodic contractions of the diaphragm muscles closing the opening between the vocal cords of the larynx at the time of taking breath. Fast eating, irritants, psychological stress can cause it.

  • Mag. Phos. The principal remedy irrespective of mental or reflex origin, after other remedies have failed. Obstinate, causing long-lasting soreness.
  • Nat. Mur. After abuse and in consequence of quinine in infants.
  • Nat. Phos. In alternation with Mag. Phos. if the spasm persists.


Inflammation of the pleura, the two layered membrane that encloses the lungs and lines the cavity of the chest. These two layers contain in between a fluid, if this fluid is unaffected during inflammation it is dry pleurisy or if there is too much accumulation it is called wet pleurisy. Pneumonia, T.B., lung abscess, influenza, are some common causes.

Cough, sharp chest pain, shallow breathing, chill and fever are the typical symptoms. Pain is less in wet pleurisy. It pleurisy gets infected it is called empyema.

  • Calc. Sulph. Empyema, pus forming in the cavity of the pleaura or in the lungs.
  • Calc. Phos. Chronic pleurisy, a sore pains a “hurt with every breath”, cough worse at night, little or no fever, pains not sharp. Worse sudden changes of weather.
  • Ferrum Phos. For the fever, pain. Stitching pain on the side involved, catch in breath with short cough. Breathing short, oppressed and hurried.
  • Kali Mur. The second remedy, when there is plastic exudation. It will complete the cure.
  • Nat. Mur. When serous exudation has taken place.


Infection or inflammation of lungs. Pneumococcus bacteria is the main causative organism of bacterial pneumonia. Viral origin is also common.

Onset is sudden with mild symptoms.

  • Calc. Phos. Pneumonia of children. Cough with yellow sputum, worse in morning, stitches in the chest and sorenes, worse from cold.
  • Calc. Sulph. Third stage with purulent, tenacious sputa. Severe cough in children with malaise.
  • Ferrum Phos. First and the chief remedy. High fever: breathing short, oppressed and hurried. Pneumonia, congestive stage. Expectoration is clear blood. Spots of local congestion and hepatization appear particularly in the upper lobes. Pneumonia of the aged.
  • Kali Sulph. Inflammation with wheezing, yellow, loose, rattling phlegm. Rattling cough in children. Temperature in evening till midnight coarse rales but difficult expectoration.
  • Kali Phos. Typhoid pneumonia, nervous prostration sleeplessness. Putrid expectoration thick, yellow and salty. Spasmodic cough.
  • Kali Mur. Fibrinous exudation into the lung substance. The tongue coated white. Mucus is white and viscid. Heart complications and dropsy as complication of pneumonia.
  • Mag. Phos. Spasmodic cough coming in paroxysms without expectoration. Constriction of the chest. Cough worse at night, worse lying down.
  • Nat. Mur. Loose, rattling phelgm, clear serous and frothy, coughed up with difficulty, worse in the morning. Cough with hammering headache, involuntary urination and lachrymation. Pneumonia of alcoholics. Tongue clean, dry and shiny.
  • Nat. Phos. Pneumonia with bilious symptoms; thick, ropy, green pus-like expectoration. Soreness of chest, better by pressure. Patient holds the chest while coughing. Aggravation of all symptoms in damp weather.
  • Silicea. Chronic, neglected pucumonia, passing into empyema; dyspnoca on lying. Cough loose, rattling: sputum profuse, fetid, thick, yellow or green. May have hectic fever, profuse night-sweats and debility.

Bleeding from Lungs (Haemoptysis)

Varity of causes are responsible for bleeding from lungs, from injury to chest wall to T.B. and cancer of lung. Before treatment, cause should be ascertained.

  • Calc. Phos. As a constitutional tonic.
  • Ferr. Phos. Principal remedy, blood bright red, after a fall on chest.

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