Homeopathic Treatment of Mental and Brain Disorders
1. Liars for the removal of habit of telling lies.
- Opium 30
- Calc-c. 30 to 200
2. Tendency/impulse to kill himself/herself.
- Nat-s. 30 to 200
- Thuj. 30 to 200
3. Thieves – For the removal of habit of stealing.
- Artem. 30, three times a day.
- Staph. 30, three times a day.
4. Sensitiveness-over. Easily offended, very little noise frightens, faints easily from odours. Addicted to stimulants, narcotics, patent medicines, debauchee, etc. Awakes tired and weak. Pressure an hour or two after eating. Very careful, zealous, inclined to get excited and angry. Frequent ineffectual desire for passing stools.
- Nux-v. 30.
5. Person always in mood of fighting.
- Cham. (b) Lyc. (c) Nux-v.
All in 30 potency, 3 times in a day.
6. Excitable – Easily aroused to anger, anger with indignation.
- Staph. 30, three times a day.
7. Craving for alcohol.
- Querc. Q. 5 to 15 drops in one ounce of water in morning, evening and at bed time.
- Ange. Q. 5 to 10 drops, three times in a day.
- Lach. 200. One dose, once a week.
8. Craving for tobacco, cigarettes, bidis, etc.
- Give Staph. 200. One dose once a week for 4 weeks
- Then start giving Calad. 6 to 30 potency, four times in a day for one month.
9. Sleepiness when reading or writing.
- Brom. 3 to 30
- Nat-s. 12x to 30 potency.
10. Shaking of hands when writing.
- Ant-c. 6 to 30.
11. Patient thinks as if some severe disease was going to attack him.
- Arg-n. 30 to 200.
12. Patient when very sick, says he/she is well or declares there is nothing the matter with him/her.
- Apis 30 or Arn. 30
13. Patient when says I am not sick and sends the doctor away, but he/she is sick.
- Apis 30 or Arn. 30 or Cham. 30
14. Patient is sick, but says nothing ails him/her.
- Arn. 30 or Iod. 30 or Op. 30.
15. Patient when says he/she could not be cured, and hopeless of everything/ever getting well again.
- Alum. 30 or Calc-c. 30
16. Old age debility – For great debility, easy exhaustion, mental and physical, in old age.
- Sel. 6 to 30 potency.
17. Mind – Gloomy condition of mind persists.
- Aurum 30, Nat m 30.
18. Limbs jerking on going to sleep.
- Ign. 30 to 200.
19. Sickness, vomiting during car or bus riding.
- Cocc. 30, three times in a day, 6 hourly.
20. Sea-sickness.
- Coce. 30.
21. Vertigo, blackness before eyes, sensation of fainting and as if everything is turning around each other.
- Sabin. 30, four times in a day, 4 hourly.
22. Vertigo/dizziness in old age.
- (a) Carb-u. 30 (b) Con. 30
One dose of each (one or two drops in one tea-spoonful of water) once in a day alternately.
23. Vertigo on rising up and looking upward with empty feeling in stomach.
- Kali-p. 30 to 200.
24. Vertigo. Sickness while travelling and dizziness.
- (a) Arg-n. 30 (b) Cocc. 30 (c) Con. 30 (d) Ther. 30
Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: 5 drops in one teaspoonful of water, three times in a day, 6 hourly.
25. Vertigo violent on going upstairs. Eyes sunken. Broad blue circles around eyes. Violent sneezing. Nose cold, must be wrapped up with warm cloth.
- Ars-h. 3, 6 or 30.
26. Vitilizer compound.
- Dios. Q, 1 ounce
- Caps. Q 1.5 ounce
- Lob. Q, 1 ounce
- Anth. Q, 1 ounce
Mix all the above and keep it in a well-sealed bottle.
Dose: Half to one drachm (1 drachm = 3.696 ml) in hot water repeated every fifteen to thirty minutes.
This mixture may also be used for neuralgia and toothache. Put 2 to 5 drops (warm) into the ear on the affected side, and keep the ear warm.
The above mixture is very powerful, yet harmless, stimulant and antispasmodic. Ideal for nerve pains, cramps, spasm and collapse. Give in hot water for fainting, heart-burns, flatulence, exhaustion etc.
27. Paralysis infantile.
- Lath. 3 to 30.
28. Paralysis rheumatic.
- Lath. 3 to 30.
29. Paralysis – Facial
- Caust. 30 to 200. In chronic cases give higher potencies once or twice a week.
- Graph.
- Cadm-s.
30. Paralytic affection of lower extremities. Spastic paralysis.
- Lath. 3 to 30.
31. Difficulty in remaining erect, impaired locomotion (movements), vertigo and headache.
- Agro. 3 to 30.
31. Parkinson’s Disease
A huge number of Indians suffer from Parinson’s disease. So far the cause of this disease has not been found. The specialists felt ha cause may range from faulty genes to environment toxins. It usually afflicts people of about 60 years of age and above, though young persons also get it. This disease gradually destroys brain, brain cells which produce Depamine, a chemical that transmits the massage of the brain to nerves and muscles.
As the brain cells dies, the amount of Depamine is reduced, and the massage become garbled and normal body movements become slow and deliberate. The common symptoms of the disease includes total muscular rigidity, have a shuffling walk (to move or walk without lifting feet) and tremors. The symptoms say a great deal, and no two patients of Parkinson’s Disease will have exactly the same symptoms.
Although this disease does not kill, but it can make life a living hell. There is no cure in allopathy, but medication keep the symptoms under control.
Homeopathic Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease (Paralysis agitans)
- Arg-n. 5M
- Gels. 5M
One dose of each remedy once in 30 days alternately. No other medicine on the days these remedies are given to the patient.
On other days give the following.
- (a) Cocain 30 (b) Mygal. 30(c) Thallium 30(d) Zinc-cy.30
Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: 5 drops in some water, three times in a day, 6 hourly.
- In case the patient also stammers, give a dose of Stram. 200 occasionally. No other medicine on the day this remedy is given to the patient
33. Myelitis (inflammation of spinal marrow or its membranes) with marked spastic symptoms.
- Lath. 3 to 30
34. Old age – Retarding. Wasting of spinal marrow (tabesdorsalis)
- Thiosin. 30 to 200 potencies.
- Rhod. 30 to 200 potencies.
35. Coma in a delirious lethargic condition. (Coma vigil)
- Op. 6 to 30.
36. Coma due to cholera.
- (a) Ter. 6 (b) Canth. 6 (c) Kali-bi. 6
37. Coma due to hysteria.
- Ign. 3 or Op. 6.
38. Convulsions with consciousness.
- Stry. 30.
38. Alzheimer’s Disease (Loss of Memory in Old age)
(a) Loss of memory in due to mental weakness.
- Bryta-carb., Kali-br., Kali-p., Plb., Syph.
(b) Impaired memory, cannot collect thoughts.
- Asthusa cynapium, Arg-n., Con., Nux-m., Ph-ac.,
Either give single remedy according to the totality of symptoms or give in combination.
- Bryta-carb. 30, Kali-br. 30, Kali-p. 30, Nux-m. 30, Ph-ac. 30,
Mix all in equal quantity. In this combination do not mix Plb., because it antidotes Kali-br. and Nux-m.
Dose: 10 to 15 drops in some water, three times in a day.
- Bryta-carb. 30, Kali-p. 30, Ph-ac. 30, Plb. 30
Mix all in equal quantity. In this combination do not mix Kali-br. and Nux-m, because it antidotes Plb.
Dose: 10 to 15 drops in some water, three times in a day.
Note: Give Syph. in high potency and infrequent doses, say Syph. 200 one dose once a week followed by either combination A or B. This is a long term treatment.