Homeopathic Treatment of Hair and Beauty Problems

Homeopathic Treatment of Hair and Beauty Problems

1. Dandruff and falling out of hair.

  • Kali-s. 6x and 30 to 200.

2. Hair – Becoming grey – Premature

  • Sil. 12x

Three times a day.

3. Hair – premature greying.

  • Lyc. (c) Sec. (b) Ph-ac. (d) Sul-ac.

All 30 to 200 potencies.

4. Hair blisters.

  • Kali-i. (Kali hydriodicum) 30

Three times a day. Hot fomentation 3 or 4 times a day.

5. Hair falling of beard.

  • Anan. 30 to 200
  • (b) Sphing. 30 to 200

6. Hair falls out from brows, beard and genitals.

  • Sel. 6 to 30.

7. Hair falls out from head. Pain over left eye.

  • Sel.6 to 30.

8. Bald circular patch on head.

  • Bac.30 to 200.

9. Baldness

  • Kali-p. 3x

4 times a day 4 hourly.

10. Baldness – complete.

(Falling of hair from entire head and eyebrows)

(a) Ust. – 30 T.I.D. 6 hourly. Placebo for one day T.I.D. 6 hourly.

(b) Sel. 30 T.I.D. 6 hourly. Placebo for one day T.I.D. 6 hourly.

(c) Wies. 200 T.I.D. 6 hourly.

(d) Thyr.- 30 T.I.D. 6 hourly, for one month, then 200 potency broken into three small doses. T.I.D. once in a week. Placebo for one day.

Massage scalp daily with Arnica hair oil.

* T.I.D. = Three times in a day.

This treatment may have to be continued for a long time, say for two to three years.

11. Dandruff and falling of hair

Take pure coconut oil  250 gms. in a well cleaned bottle. Put a small piece of copper and brass (15 or 20 grams of each) in the oil. Keep it for 2 or 3 weeks. The oil will become slightly greenish. Apply this oil well in the scalp and wash the head after about an hour. No oil is to be used after washing the head.

12. Complexion changing to fair colour

  • Iodium 1M. One dose once in 14 days.
  • Causticum 200, Lycopodium 200. Give every week alternately.

13. Cracks in corners of mouth, dry lips.

  • Ant-c. 30.

14. Dryness of mouth and lips, cracking of lips.

  • Nat. Mur. 6x, 12x, 30, 200

15. Cracks – painful in corners of mouth.

  • Cund. Q or 1x to 6x, 5 to 10 drops in some water, four times in a day.
  • Arum-t. 30, three times in a day.

16. Moles or naevus.

  • Thuj. 30, 200.
  • Thuj. Q, Paint day and night.
  • Rad-br. 30. Once in a week.

17. Hands covered with warts.

  • Ferr-pic. 30 to 200

18. Softening of skin and destroying of warts.

  • Anag. 3 to 30

Acne (Pimple)

Acne is an inflammatory infection of the sebaceous glands that are found just beneath the surface of the skin, especially that of the face, upper back and chest. At puberty when the glandular activity increases, the sebaceous glands enlarge and begin to secrete a greater amount of skin lubricant called sebum. If the gland canal becomes clogged, the sebum accumulates and the glands swell until they rupture. The sebum becomes irritating to the surrounding skin and a pimple results.

This is the beginning of inflammatory acne. The infection occurs because of repeated itching and consequent rubbing, squeezing and puncturing of the lesion. Sometimes the irritation can also be caused by the application of artificial cosmetics, want of cleanliness, exposure to heat, some varieties of soaps, all debilitating causes, too rich or insufficient food, stomach or uterine problems, and due to hormonal imbalance, very often indigestion associated with constipation is a cause of acne.

Acne, in a certain sense, is a self-limited infection. But this limitation is not a matter of week or a month, but of years and the patient who leaves the infection entirely alone can usually count on six to eight years of annoyance. The majority prefers quick cure and to that end consult the physician.

The cure for acne involves two factors. The first concerns the speedy removal of the existing eruption, and the second to the prevention of the recurring tendency to relapse. Here careful hygienic living and proper diet along with homoeopathic remedies steps in to help the acne victim.

According to homoeopathy not only acne but any skin ailment is merely a local infection and local manifestation of some constitutional disturbances. It is therefore essential to correct the constitution which throws up the internal disease in the form of the skin disease. Merely suppressing it by the local application of ointment without internal correction does not help to solve the problem. Constitutional homoeopathic remedies usually help acne patients.

  • Pulsatilla is an important remedy during puberty. This helps to regulate the periods of girls, increasing the flow and correcting the hormonal imbalance and thereby clearing the skin.
  • Calcarea Carb. This helps fat, flabby girls who catch cold easily. Perspire profusely. Menstruation is profuse and long lasting, resulting in anemia.
  • Graphites. Hormonal fluctuations of the menstrual cycle have a large part to play in acne during adolescence. Therefore Graphites is indicated for girls whose acne is worse during and after the periods and whose skin is very dry and inclined to crack.
  • Magnesium Mur. This remedy cures acne that is aggravated before menstruation and also when the patient is constipated. Gastric problems, food habits and tendency to constipation have to be corrected before effecting a complete cure.
  • Nux Vomica. For the patients who are constipated and have a tendency for piles, suffering from indigestion especially after highly seasoned food which results in a pimply face.
  • Antim Crud. The patients who are inclined to be obese (fatty) and those suffering from the ill-effects of exposure to the sun or to fire, starchy food, over eating, and excessive intake of alcohol, especially wine. The skin is dry with sensitive corns and callouses and deformed nails with indigestion causing a thickly coated tongue and small red pimples on the face and shoulders.
  • Nitric Acid and Calcarea Sulph helps in the case of pimples which are found underneath the hair line.
  • Arnica. For crops of pustules which are itchy and painful occur symmetrically and bilaterally.
  • Arsenic bromide. For acne found around the nose.
  • Nabalus is helpful when pimples are around the face, nose, upper lip and chin.
  • Natrium Mur. For excessively oily skin with acne.
  • Thuja and Antim Crud. Acne associated with dry skin.
  • Sulphur. Patient prone to skin infections where the acne burns or itches on washing.
  • Bacillinum is useful where the patient has either suffered from T.B. or has a family history of same disease.
  • Sabina Q. For local application on acne/pimples and warts.

It is very important that besides the treatment the first object should be to get at the cause of the disease if possible, and remove that.

Dyspeptics should avoid highly seasoned food, sweets, fatty and fried foods. It is also utmost important not to pinch, rub, scratch or handle these eruptions. Associated infections and dandruff should be got rid of before attempting a complete cure.

1. Acne, Rosacea (Trio)

  • Kali-bi. 30
  • Rad-b. 30
  • Aster. 30

2. Pimples and pustules on face.

  • Calc-s. 30.

3. Pimples, chronic.

  • (a) Sulph. 6 (b) Sil. 6 (c) Carb-v. 6.

Mix all in equal quantities.

Dose: 2 – 4 drops in a teaspoonful of water for a dose. Four times in a day, 4 hourly.

4. Pimples hard like flea bite.

  • Agar. 30.

5. Pimples and pustules of face particularly during adolescence.

  • Calc-p. 6x or 12x.

Body Mass Index (B.M.I)

To find B.M.I. divide your weight in Kilos by square of your height in meters.

  • B.M.I. from 20 through 26 is desirable for most middle aged adults.
  • B.M.I. from 27 through 29 is moderately overweight.
  • B.M.I. from 30 or more is truly overweight.

The risk of developing heart disease and other weight related problems like High Blood Pressure, High Blood Cholesterol and Adult Onset Diabetes rises sharply due to overweight.

1. Obesity (Fatness).

  • (a) Calc-p. 3x or 12x (b) Kali-m. 6x (c) Nat-m. 3x (d) Sil. 12x

Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: 5 grains 3 times a day for a long time.

  • One teaspoonful of pure honey and lime juice in one glass of water every morning is also good, provided the patient is not a diabetic.

2. Obesity

  • (a) Phyt-b. Q (b) Am-br. Q (c) Fuc. Q (d) Puls. Q (e) Thyr. Q
  • Mix all in equal quantities.

Dose: 10 to 15 drops in 2 an ounce of water, 15 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner. Child: Half of the adult dose.

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