Heart | Blood Pressure Disorders

Heart | Blood Pressure Disorders


HIGH: It is a condition in which a person’s blood pressure is higher than it should normally be when all variables are taken into account. It is a symptom rather than a disease. It may be benign, with cause unknown, or it is often hereditary in origin.

Organic or secondary blood pressure is always due to some disease like kidney dysfunction, atherosclerosis, etc. Prolonged hypertension can result in heart failure, angina, kidney failure, stroke etc.

  • Calc. Fluor, and Ferr. Phos. 6x. For persons having high blood pressure due to hardness of arteries (arteriosclerosis).
  • Kali Phos. For persons who are emotionally sensitive.
  • Nat. Mur. and Nat, Sulph. Alternately for persons with high cholesterol.

LOW: A condition in which systolic blood pressure as below 110 mm of Hg, and the diastolic is below 70 mm. Primary, secondary and postural are the three types of hypotension.

  • Kali Phos. 6x. Taken at bedtime often helps in removing the symptoms of low blood pressure. Treat anaemia if it is also present.


Anaemia is a lowering of the quality of the blood. The blood cells may be too few in number or the oxygen carrying red constituents of the blood cells may be deficient

Anaemia may result directly from a loss of blood, attended with a deficiency of the tissue salts needed to build new blood corpuscles.

Lack of Calc. Phos. would cause a deficiency of red blood cells, as it enters largely into the formation of bone, in the marrow of which the blood cells are created.  Absence of Ferr. Phos. shows up immediately in a deficiency of haemoglobin, the red colouring matter of the blood.  By giving the needed tissue salts the blood can usually be restored to its normal volume and quality.

Food rich in vitamins such as red meats, liver, milk. cggs and green vegetables should be included in the diet. Fresh air and sunshine are also recommended.

  • Calc. Phos. 3x. Used in pernicious anaemia, leukaemia, or in leucocytosis after exhaustive diseases.
  • Ferr. Phos 3x increases the haemoglobin.
  • Nat. Mur. As an intercurrent remedy.
  • Kali phos. Cerebral anaemia and leukaemia.


An intermittent change in the blood pressure within the arteries connected with the heart beat and following rest phase. Fast, slow, irregular, it can show any type of change depending on the disease condition.

  • Kali Phos. Slow and feeble pulse.
  • Ferrum Phos. Full, bounding.
  • Kali Phos. Irregular.

Affections of Heart

Heart is a muscular pump equipped with four separate chambers and four valves which maintains the blood circulation. Irregularity in pulse, affection of heart valves, electrical defects and chemical changes cause variety of affections of heart.

  • Calc. Phos. Week heart; sharp pain around the heart; palpitation with anxiety, followed by trembling weakness.
  • Calc. Fluor. Excellent for valvular and heart muscle diseases. Dilatation of heart. Weak action of heart.
  • Ferr. Phos. Acute inflammatory diseases of heart and its coverings, rapid pulse; it helps in regulating the circulation; dilatation of heart, palpitation.
  • Kali Phos. Heart’s action intermits; ill-effects of emotions: palpitation, pain, etc.; palpitation from slightest cause; physical or mental tendency to faint.
  • Kali Mur. Pericarditis, dilatation of heart, coronary thrombosis and embolism; to dissolve the dot.
  • Mag. Phos. Shooting pain around the heart with spasmodic attacks of palpitation.
  • Nat. Mur. Anaemia, dropsical swellings, flushing and palpitation; constriction around the heart, fluttering and intermittent pulse.

Angina Pectoris

A chest pain resulting from temporary ischemia due to obstruction in the coronary arteries, i.e., arteries are not capable of supplying a sufficient amount of blood to the heart muscles. People with angina, pectoris often have a disease that bring about the pain.

High blood pressure, anemia, atheroslerosis and diabetes are common causes. Pain usually is retrosternal, may be referred to left arm, neck or jaw. Pain is crushing and constricting as if with a vise. Angina is often precipitated by strenuous exercises and is better by rest.

  • Mag. Phos. 6x should be given in hot water during the attack, taken in frequent sips along with Nat. Mur. 6x.
  • Ferr. Phos. Flushed face or diffused heat. Should be alternated with Mag. Phos.
  • Kali Phos. 6x should be given occasionally to ward off the attack. It induces good sleep too.


A dilation in the walls of artery of vein. It can be congenital or otherwise. They may result from congenital weaknesses in vessel wall or impaired wall due to diseases like atherosclerosis, syphilis or from trauma. The symptoms are usually due to pressure on adjacent structures.

  • Calc. Fluor. and Ferr. Phos. 6x may be used in alternation.

Diseases of Veins

The blood vessels which carry blood laden with carbon dioxide and metabolic wastes works away from the tissues to the heart and lungs. with exception of pulmonary veins which return the oxygenated blood from the lungs to the atrium of the heart.

  • Calc. Fluor. This is the principal remedy when the veins are dilated, with tendency to varicose ulceration. Bluish discolouration of the tissue.
  • Ferrum Phos. Inflammation of the veins, with red streaks following the course of the vein, with throbbing pain. Varicocele.
  • Mag. Phos. Severe cramp-like spasmodic pains.

Circulation Feeble

The circulatory system is subject to many diseases. Flow of blood in the arteries is affected by obstructions, shrinkage, thrombosis, etc.

  • Ferrum Phos. and Calc. Phos. 6x, morning and night alternately will soon regulate the circulation, if there is no organic heart trouble.

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