The Biochemics

Treatment of common diseases by biochemic tissue salts.

The Biochemics

Biochemic Treatment of Female Disorders

Biochemic Treatment of Female Disorders Time of Puberty This is the age the girl develops into a woman and when menstruation first makes its appearance. Many girls pass through this stage of life without evidence of systemic disorders while others are troubled with nervous or mental disturbances. Amenorrhoea (Suppression of Menses) The Schuessler therapy is […]

The Biochemics

Ear, Eye, Nose, Mouth and Throat Troubles

Ear, Eye, Nose, Mouth and Throat Troubles Affections of Ear Ear is the organ of hearing and of balance. It is structured in three sections – outer, middle and inner ear. Disorders of outer ear – Skin infections, fungus infestation and impaction of foreign bodies in ear canal are some manifestations. Middle ear – Infections

The Biochemics

Biochemic Treatment of Stomach Problems and Piles

Biochemic Treatment of Stomach Problems and Piles Acidity Acidity is a somewhat loose term indicating that the blood, or one or more of the secretions, is less alkaline than it should be. This excess of acid gives rise to many distressing symptoms. There may be gastric disturbance, irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, impoverishment

The Biochemics

Biochemic Treatment of Children Problems

Biochemic Treatment of Children Problems Infant’s Troubles Infants, due to sudden exposure to external environment and various changes within are, liable to suffer from one or another ailment which require immediate attention. Some show signs of deficiencies. All can vary well be controlled by the indicated tissue salts. Dentition & Dental Troubles This period of

The Biochemics

Materia Medica of Biochemic Tissue Remedies

Materia Medica of Biochemic Tissue Remedies Calcarea Fluorica (Calc. Fluor.) This salt is found in the surface of the bones and in the enamel of the teeth: also in the elastic fibres and skin. A disturbance of the equilibrium of the molecules of this salt causes a relaxed condition and a dilatation, interfering with absorption

The Biochemics

Introduction to Biochemic Tissue Salts

Introduction to Biochemic Tissue Salts The inorganic substances found in blood and tissues are sufficient to cure all diseases that can be cured”. This statement of the founder of the system, Dr. W.H. Schuessler, is of course true today only in a very limited sense. It would be more accurate to say “… they help

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