Biochemic Treatment of Female Disorders

Biochemic Treatment of Female Disorders

Time of Puberty

This is the age the girl develops into a woman and when menstruation first makes its appearance. Many girls pass through this stage of life without evidence of systemic disorders while others are troubled with nervous or mental disturbances.

  • Kali Mur. Chief remedy, may be alternated with Fer. Phos.
  • Kali Phos. To tone up the nervous system. Calc. Phos. To improve nutrition.

Amenorrhoea (Suppression of Menses)

The Schuessler therapy is an excellent method of treatment of the various disorders peculiar to the female generative system. It rests upon the premise that the restoration of health is best accomplished through stimulation of the vital natural processes of the human system. The tissue salts produce this with no untoward side effects which can follow the use of drugs.

All the pelvic organs are lined with delicate mucous membranes, there are also many muscular and connective tissues and an abundance of nerve and blood vessels centred there. Hence these parts are peculiarly suscepetible to disturbing influences, apt to assume the form of one of the many disorders peculiar to women.

The very sensitive nature of these structures, however, makes them also quickly responsive to the beneficial healing influence of the tissue salts.

  • Calc. Phos. Amenorrhea in anaemic patients.
  • Kali Phos. Suppression of flow with depressed spirits, lassitude and debility. Constant dull headaches, cross and irritable, fidgety.
  • Kalt Sulph. Scanty or suppressed menses with weight and fullness of abdomen.
  • Nat. Mur. In young girls where menses do not appear, or when scanty and at long intervals.

Dysmenorrhoea (Painful Menstruation)

Painful menstruation is of two types primary and secondary.

Primary dysmenorrhoea is common in young women, is associated with an endocrine imbalance and its symptoms usually diminish or disappear after motherhood.

Secondary or acquired dysmenorrhoea is likely to occur somewhat later in life and may be the result of a pelvic inflammation, malpositioning of uterus, the presence of uterine fibroid. etc. Pains are generally aggravated by emotional stress.

Dysmenorrhoea may be caused by lack of proper development of the uterus, by congestion and inflammation of the uterus and other pelvic organs or, rarely, by mechanical obstruction to the flow. In young girls the commonest cause is lack of proper nutrition, either of the pelvic organs alone or of the whole body,

Accompanying the nutritional disturbance there is usually some condition of the nervous system causing neuralgia.

In this form of dysmenorrhoea the patient seems normal until the approach of the menstrual period when neuralgic pains appear: increasing in severity until the flow is well established, and then they subside. If the neuralgia and affects the ovaries, the patient may suffer an attack of similar pain halfway between the periods.

Dysmenorrhoea caused by congestion or inflammation of the pelvic organs presents a different type of pain during menstruation. Here the sensation is that of soreness, heaviness and dull pain. The same symptoms are present during the interval between periods but not so severe.

  • Calc. Phos. Intercurrently in anaemic patients. In girls at puberty, scanty flow.
  • Ferrum Phos. Painful menstruation, with bright red flow, flushed face and quickened pulse. Vomiting of undigested food. Congestion of the pelvic organs begins several days before the flow. Alternate with Mag. Phos. during the attack.
  • Kali phos. Menstrual colic in pale, tearful, irritable, sensitive women; weakness of the nervous system, flow deep, dark red. Alternate with Ferr. Phos.
  • Mag. Phos. It is the chief remedy for the cramping, labour-like, bearing down pains; sharp cutting pain relieved by heat.
  • Nat. Mur. Menses scanty and dark, preceded by frontal headache. Flow is irritating. Great mental depression.
  • Silicea. lcy coldness of the entire body before and during menses, with constipation and sweating of the feet.

Menorrhagia (Profuse Menstruation)

This may be brought about by increased congestion of the pelvic organs; by too fluid blood (non-coagulating) due to a tissue salt Imbalance; or by muscular weakness of the uterus. Simple anaemia may be a contributory cause in some cases.

  • Calc. Fluor. Menorrhagia with bearing-down pains.
  • Calc. Phos. Menses too early in young girls, also in women, when anaemia is present.
  • Ferrum Phos. Menses too frequent and too profuse, painful: blood bright red, congestion.
  • Kali Mur. Black, dark, clotted blood; catarrhal conditions.

Menopause (Stoppage of Menstruation)

The period of a woman’s life during which the menses cease can be a critical time and care must be taken that harm is not done, particularly to the nervous system.

The onset of the change of life is usually gradual beginning around forty years of age, continuing from one to three years and marked by irregularity in the appearance of menstruation, gradual diminution in the flow and nervous manifestations.

Mental unrest is marked and there are frequent disturbances of the circulation result in hot flushes and chilly periods so common in this state.

Often the flow is profuse, especially following one or more missed periods, or may be irregular-scanty and profuse. The digestive tract is frequently disturbed and indigestion is common.

  • Calc. Phos. General weakness with rundown condition; anaemia and loss of weight.
  • Ferrum Phos. Hot flushes. Alternate with Kali Sulph. in 6x potency.
  • Kall Phos. Nervousness, depression, irritability, anxiety, and fainting spells.


During pregnancy a woman is required to carry on the process of life in her own body and in addition provide all the material and life building processes for the formation and development of a new life. This places an added physiological demand on her and necessitates an increased supply of the mineral salts, which are often not sufficiently available from the diet. Added to this is the stress of modern life, with its influence upon the nervous system.

A regular course of treatment with the tissue salts, especially Kali Phos, and Calc. Phos., for three to six months preceding childbirth, will prove highly beneficial for both mother and child.

  • Calc. Phos. From 6 to 8 months preceding childbirth will prove highly beneficial for both mother and child. A valuable remedy to aid normal development of child; weakness and weariness of the mother during and after pregnancy; poor assimilation of food. (Daily dosage should be prescribed carefully).
  • Ferrum Phos. Morning sickness, vomiting of undigested food.
  • Kali phos. During the period of pregnancy, especially if there is evidence of nervous strain. A regular course of it with Calc. Phos.
  • Nat. Mur. Morning sickness with vomiting of sour mucus, acidity of the stomach with yellow-coated tongue.
  • Nat. Sulph. Vomiting of bile in morning with bitter taste lasting whole day: yellow-green coated tongue.


  • Kali Phos. & Mag. Phos. taken in hot water very often case labour and promote easy delivery.
  • Calc. Fluor, & Calc. Phos. taken in last month shows positive effects to help in normal delivery.


  • Calc. Phos. 3x and Nat. Mur. 3x alternately are good during lactation.
  • Calc. Fluor. & Nat. Sulph. 6x to lessen the flow.


Leucorrhoea is caused by the secretion of an abnormal quantity of mucus in the mucous membrances which line the vagina and uterus. This mucus is discharged from the body through the vagina, and may vary in nature from a thin, colourless fluid, like water, to a thick, milky-white fluid, sometimes tinged with blood.

Leucorrhoea occurs most frequently in young, unmarried girls, in women after childbirth and also in older women after the change of life. This is due to systemic weakness in young girls and mothers, and to changes which take place in the mucous lining of the vagina in older women.

Other causes, however, such as taking cold, physical or nervous strain, etc. may also bring it on such cases are usually easier to cure than the ones mentioned in the preceding paragraph But in any event, the basic cause of the leucorrhoea should be discovered as soon as possible, and efforts made to overcome it.

  • Calc. Phos. As a constitutional tonic: intercurrent with the chief remedy; a discharge of albuminous mucus. Leucorrhea worse after menses. Looks like white of an egg.
  • Kali Mur. Discharge of milky white, nonirritating mucus, mild, profuse. Excellent in long standing cases.
  • Kali Phos. Discharge scalding and acrid yellowish, blistering, orange coloured.
  • Kali Sulph. Discharge of yellow, greenish, slimy or watery secretions.
  • Nat. Mur. A watery, scalding, irritating discharge, smarting after or between the periods.
  • Nat. Phos. Discharge creamy or honey-coloured, or acrid; discharge from the uterus, sour smelling
  • Nat. Sulph. Discharge acrid, corrosive.

Inflammation of Ovary

  • Ferr. Phos. and Mag. Phos. Oophoritis.
  • Mag. Phos. Ovarian neuralgia.


  • Calc. Fluor. & Ferrum Phos. alternately used for long period often gives strength to muscular fibres.


Inability of a male or female to produce children. Impotence, azoospermia in males and improper ovulation, misplacement of fertilized ovum and defect in genitalia are some common causes for the female.

  • Nat. Phos. Dull, sad; on waking at night thinks there is some other person in the room. Back of the tongue golden, longing for alcohols or strong tasting eatables. Aversion to butter, bread. Stomachache a few hours after food. Urinary bladder weak. Pale and irregular menses; sleeplessness (30x, 200x).
  • Nat. Mur. Avoids company, hasty, irresponsible, taciturn, consolation aggravates, urinary bladder weak. Menses scanty initially and then profuse or profuse and early. Leucorrhoca. Drowsy, anxious dreams. (30x).

Continuous medication with appropriate remedies may be required for even up to a year.


Anaemia is a lowering of the quality of the blood. The blood cells may be too few in number or the oxygen carrying red constituents of the blood cells may be deficient

Anaemia may result directly from a loss of blood, attended with a deficiency of the tissue salts needed to build new blood corpuscles.

Lack of Calc. Phos. would cause a deficiency of red blood cells, as it enters largely into the formation of bone, in the marrow of which the blood cells are created.  Absence of Ferr. Phos. shows up immediately in a deficiency of haemoglobin, the red colouring matter of the blood.  By giving the needed tissue salts the blood can usually be restored to its normal volume and quality.

Food rich in vitamins such as red meats, liver, milk. cggs and green vegetables should be included in the diet. Fresh air and sunshine are also recommended.

  • Calc. Phos. 3x. Used in pernicious anaemia, leukaemia, or in leucocytosis after exhaustive diseases.
  • Ferr. Phos 3x increases the haemoglobin.
  • Nat. Mur. As an intercurrent remedy.
  • Kali phos. Cerebral anaemia and leukaemia.


Various hormonal disorders are responsible for obesity. Correction of cause, diet and exercise are must.

  • Nat. Mur. & Calc. Phos. 6x alternately. Intercurrent Silicea 6x.


Expulsion of product of conception within 12 weeks of pregnancy is called abortion. In cases of threatened abortion there will be pain in lower abdomen and bleeding per vagina. Complete bed rest, and sedation often prevent it.

  • Kali phos. & Calc. Fluor in 6x potency often help in preventing threatened abortion.

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