Introduction to Biochemic Tissue Salts
The inorganic substances found in blood and tissues are sufficient to cure all diseases that can be cured”. This statement of the founder of the system, Dr. W.H. Schuessler, is of course true today only in a very limited sense. It would be more accurate to say “… they help to cure all diseases that can be cured, and in particular they help to regulate constitutional disturbances.
The salts which remain after combustion form an essential part of every cell, even if they are only present in extremely small quantities, and that any change in their proper quantitative relations will disturb normal cell function and cause disease.
They are chemically pure salts, homogeneous to the cell-minerals in human body, physiologically and chemically in close relation to them. By the aid of these minerals disturbed molecular motion in the cells can be rectified, when taken for a certain period. The cells will recover, and will be able to overcome the disease completely.
More recent results of chemical, physical and physiobiological research in the field of natural science, regulatory pathology and neural pathology in the medical field have contributed much to the understanding of biochemical processes.
The antagonistic tendency of sodium and potassium ions on the one hand and calcium ions on the other, to establish an equilibrium is well known. The vagus-stimulating effect of sodium and potassium is offset by the sympathatic exciting effect of calcium.
The biochemical method of administering potentized homoeopathic remedies should not only be regarded as a kind of substitution method, that is, simply as a method of replacing deficient substances. All these salts are supplied in far larger quantities in our food.
Theory of Biochemic Treatment
The basic living unit of the body is the cell and each organ is actually an aggregation of many different cells held together by intercellular structures. Each type of cell is specially adopted to perform a particular function, for instance, the Red Cells, 25 trillion in all, transport oxygen from the lungs to tissues. The entire body contains about 75 trillion cells and almost all cells have the ability to further reproduce in the event of destruction of some of them.
Biochemistry deals with formation and decomposition of cells of living organisms. The system of tissue remedies deals with the inorganic salts in the cells of human body
The blood and the tissues of the body consists of Water (70%), Organic matter (25%) and Inorganic salts (5%). An imbalance of even the small quantity of inorganic salts produces conditions of disease.
Inorganic salts are the real tissue builder, the architect of organisms. Their vitality, functioning and structure depend upon their proper quantity and distribution in every cell.
HEALTH is a state when all the cells in various tissues are in a normal condition and they continue to be healthy as long as they are receiving the requisite quantity of the different cell salts required for the building of different tissues.
DISEASE is an altered state of the cell produced by some irregularity in the supply to the cell of an inorganic salt. Imperfect cells’ action results in malfunctioning of tissues and in turn some organs, producing the phenomena of disease.
CURE consists of restoring the normal cell growth by furnishing a minimal dose of the inorganic substance whose molecular motion has been disturbed resulting in the disease. It is known as NATURAL LAW that by supplying these lacking salts an equilibrium will be established and the diseased organ will also be restored to normal condition and functioning.
A mineral-rich diet is no insurance against diseases resulting from mineral deficiency. Even with a well-balanced diet, rich in minerals, vitamins and trace elements, the body sometimes fails to assimilate these substances. In such circumstance the tissue salts in their potentised form are able to bridge the gap and restore the molecular imbalance that may be impeding the nutritional process.
Assimilation can then proceed in a normal manner, and the body should be able to obtain all the nutrients it needs from the foods eaten. The minerals present in the food are mostly compounds and the digestive process renders these into assimilable factors.
The tissue salts, however, require no breaking down and are immediately assimilated. This is a great advantage, particularly when the digestion is weak. Assimilation is the key to nutritional biochemistry.
Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler, a German physician proved that the mineral salts, vitally concerned in carrying on functional activity in the cells of the human body, are twelve in number, to which he gave the name of tissue salts. They are:-
1.Calcium Fluoride (Calc. Fluor.) 2. Calcium Phosphate (Calc. Phos.) 3. Calcium Sulphate (Calc. Sulph.) 4. Phosphate of Iron (Ferr. Phos.) 5. Potassium Chloride (Kali Mur.) 6. Potassium Phosphate (Kali Phos.) 7. Potassium Sulphate (Kali Sulph.)
8. Magnesium Phosphate (Mag. Phos.) 9. Sodium Chloride (Nat. Mur.) 10. Sodium Phosphate (Nat. Phos.) 11. Sodium Sulphate (Nat. Sulph.) 12. Silica (Silicea)
These tissue salts are sufficient to cover most of the everyday ailments. They are vital cell foods and therefore are in complete harmony with the human system. They can be taken at all times, even during pregnancy with none but good results and are ideal specially for the treatment of children’s ailments.
To the newcomer to biochemistry the suggestions given in the following sections will prove helpful, but it is always advisable to consult а doctor, preferably homoeopathic physician, whenever the symptoms persist or if they are very unusual at the beginning or during the course of an illness. As a means of providing first aid, biochemic treatment is invaluable.
Selecting the Biochemic Remedy
The key to success in using the Schuessler therapy is the accurate linking of the symptoms with the appropriate tissue-salt. Symptoms are significant pointers to the tissue-salts needed in any given case. Each of the tissue-salts has its own distinct symptoms ‘picture’, e.g., the spasms, cramps and neuralgias of Mag. Phos., acidity which points to Nat. Phos.; excess dryness or watery discharges which call for Nat. Mur. and so on.
“Acute” means sudden onset with more or less severity of symptoms.
“Chronic” means of long continuance, lingering. A “chronic” ailment may have “acute” phases and for such phases the directions for acute conditions will apply.
Acute and sub-acute diseases require 6x potency, which in cases of severe pains should be administered frequently – every hour or quarter of an hour or, in some cases, even every five minutes.
In chronic diseases, constitutional diseases, metabolic disturbances, glandular ailments, and convalescence, 6x potency for a short period followed by 12x potency to be administered at greater intervals according to the course or nature of the disease.
In general, an adult dose is four tablets, children two tablets. The tablets should be dissolved on the tongue, or in case of infants and young children, may be given dissolved in lukewarm water.
Alternating Remedies
When more than one remedy is required, it is usual for these to be taken in rotation daily; the frequency of dose depending on the acute or chronic nature of the ailment.
Intercurrent Remedies
These are remedies of secondary importance having some bearing on a particular case. They assist the action of the principal remedy remedies by correcting any secondary condition which may have a retarding effect on the general treatment.
Changing the Remedy
In the treatment of some ailments, particularly those of an acute kind, different symptoms may make their appearance during the course of treatment in such cases the remedies should be changed or supplemented in accordance with the variation of the symptoms at each successive stage.
External Applications
For dry application a few tablets may be crushed and the powder applied direct to the affected part. This is the usual method of dealing with cuts and abrasions after the injured part has been cleansed.
As a lotion, dissolve ten tablets in half a tumbler of water, which has previously been boiled and allowed to cool. This lotion should be dabbed on the affected part.
Personal Characteristics and Remedies
Chlorides (Kali Mur., Nat. Mur.): More nervous then phosphates, odour from the body but less than in sulphate types. Skin fibre comparatively less rough. Face puffed, freckles. Lethargic, but well-built.
Phosphates (Calc. Phos., Fer. Phos., Kali Phos., Mag. Phos., Nat. Phos.): Angry, nervous, debilitated, restless, generally easily provoked. Skin delicate, soft hair, face yellow or clay coloured. Face becomes red on slight provocation. Naturally tall, even at young age. Face puffed, black circles around the eyes.
Sulphates (Calc. Sulph., Kali Sulph., Nat. Sulph.): Skin comparatively dry and rough. Face yellow but lips and ears red. Neck weak, may be bent. Filthy odour from the body. Sleeps on thin pillow.