Materia Medica of Biochemic Tissue Remedies

Materia Medica of Biochemic Tissue Remedies

Calcarea Fluorica (Calc. Fluor.)

This salt is found in the surface of the bones and in the enamel of the teeth: also in the elastic fibres and skin. A disturbance of the equilibrium of the molecules of this salt causes a relaxed condition and a dilatation, interfering with absorption and hence favor hardening and swelling of the tissues. Enlarged veins, piles, swollen and hardened glands, tumors uterine displacements are conditions resulting from such a cause.

Head: Lumps on head; hard swellings: nasal troubles; stuffy cold; bad odor with thick lumpy discharge which a hard to detach, going back into throat.

Mouth and throat: Gumboil with hard swelling on the jaw; cold sores; throat trouble, tickling from relaxed uvula.

Stomach and bowels: Hiccough and vomiting: constipation and piles, swollen and hard; bleeding piles; itching of rectum; internal piles, with backache; displacement of the womb, indicated by dragging pains, falling of womb; profuse menstruation.

Respiratory organs: The chief remedy in croup: dry, hoarse cough; tickling and cough, with expectoration of lumps of thick mucus.

Extremities and skin: Enlarged veins; chief remedy for varicose veins anywhere; blood tumors; gouty enlargements: cracking in joints: weeping sinew; inflammation of knee-joint; hardened glands; knots and kernels, and tumors anywhere.

Calcarea Phosphorica (Callc. Phos.)

This salt gives solidity to the bones. It is absolutely essential to the proper growth and nutrition of the body and supplies the first basis for the new tissues. An insufficient supply of Calcarea Phos. result in defective nutrition, imperfect growth and decay. It is of greatest importance during dentition, in young, rapidly growing children at puberty.

In old age and especially after acute diseases, drains on the system and in inherited weakness and disease tendencies especially scrofulous and tuberculous manifestations. Anaemia and chlorosis; rickets; flabby, emaciated, sickly, ailing, backwrd: children: polypi; irregularity, in development.

Mind & head: Peevish and fretful state; impaired memory; vertigo, cold feeling in head; headache, at puberty; in infants, bones of head do not close; scalp sore: itches, feels cold. Bald spots on head. Chronic hydrocephalus.

Eyes and ears: Scrofulous inflammation of eyes with spots on cornea; eye troubles in school children and at the time of puberty: cannot use eyes by gas light; twitching of lids; bones around ear ache; ear feels cold.

Face: Pimples; complexion sallow, greasy: face-ache.

Mouth and throat: Bad taste; teeth develop slowly, difficult teething: glands swollen; chronic enlargement of tonsils; relaxed sore throat, sore throat with pain on swallowing: constant hawking.

Stomach: Flatulence and heartburn; infant wants to nurse all the time: pains after eating; craving for salted and smoked meat.

Abdomen: Stools watery, offensive, noisy: summer complaints; pain in rectum; fistula in ano.

Urinary and sexual: Wetting of the bed; incontinence in old people; diabetes; gravel: uterine displacements, with rheumatic pains; menses too early and too profuse. After prolonged nursing, leucorrhea, etc. it acts as a constitutional tonic.

Heart & respiratory: Soreness of chest; cough of consumptives: palpitation.

Extremities: Rheumatism; numb, cold limbs; sore, aching, worse any change of weather, languor, trembling and twitching: lumbago, after the use of Ferrum phos housemaid’s knee; bow-legs in children and swelling of the joints.

Calcarea Sulphurica (Calc. Sulph.)

This salt is contained in the connective tissue and it stands in close relation to suppurations. It cures at that stage when suppuration continues too long. The presence of pus is the general indication.

Head: Scaldhead of children; pimples and pustules on face; cold in head with thick discharge: edges of nostrils sore.

Respiratory: Cough with hectic fever; obstinate hoarseness; bronchitis; consumption: catarrh with thick, lumpy, pus-like secretions; cough with herpetic eruptions.

Extremities: Backache; burning, itching of soles: herpetic eruptions all over: boils: carbuncles; chilblains: abscesses: to shorten the suppurative process; felons, ulcers, with excesive granulations.

Ferrum Phosphoricum (Ferr. Phos.)

Iron is found in the red blood corpuscles most abundantly, but is contained also in every cell. A disturbance of the equilibrium of the iron molecules in the muscular fibres causes a relaxed condition, favouring congestion and hemorrhage.

Iron and its salts attract oxygen. Iron restores the tone, equalizes the circulation and abates the fever. All ailments of a congestive nature, especially in children who are dull and listless, falling appetite, lose weight, etc.

Head and face: Rush of blood to head; throbbing headaches; head sore to touch with eyes bloodshot, red, inflamed: florid complexion: hot, red face; faceache, with flushed face, cheek sore and hot; cold applications ameliorate: gums hot: teething troubles, with feverishness.

Nose and ears: First stage of all colds; bleeding from nose; noises in ears, earache: deafness.

Throat: Throat dry, red, inflamed, painful; first stage of diphtheria and ulcerated throat.

Gastric: Thirst; vomiting of food and blood: undigested stools: haemorrhoids and dysentery.

Urinary: Wetting of the bed; frequent urination. Menses too early, and frequent, and profuse: menstrual colic. Incontinence of urine.

Respiratory: First remedy for colds in the chest, especially in children. Painful cough with fever, soreness of chest; cough with emission of urine; cough with bloody expectoration; bronchitis, pleurisy and pneumonia in the first stage; croup; loss of voice: hoarseness; huskiness after talking or singing: whooping cough with vomiting: palpitations.

Back and extremities: Stiff neck: lumbago: rheumatic pains anywhere that are worse moving and better from warmth; acute articular rheumatism.

Kali Muriaticum (Kali. Mur.)

This salt is found in the blood, nerve cells, and muscles. It stands in a chemical relation to fibrin and corresponds to the second stage of all inflammations. Croupous and diphtheritic membranes, lymphatic enlargements, discharges and expectorations of thick, whitish matter. The principal indications for the drug are such discharges and white, greyish coating of the tongue.

The efficacy of this remedy is demonstrated in chronic catarrhal condition, croup, diphtheria, dysentery, pneumonia. In alternation with Ferr. phos. in coughs, deafness from catarrh of the eustachian tubes.

Skin eruptions with small vesicles containing yellowish secretions, ulcerations with swellings and white exudations; in leucorrhea with characteristic discharges, etc.

Symptoms in general are worse from motion, the gastric and abdominal being worse after taking pastry, rich and fatty foods.

Head: Sick headache; dandruff and eruptions on scalp: chronic discharge from ears; deafness and earache; noises in cars; stuffy colds; thrush, canker and rawness of mouth; tongue coated grayish, white and slimy.

Throat: It is useful in most cases of diphtheria and specific for diphtheritic sore throat: pharyngitis, tonsilitis: chronic sore throat with deafness.

Gastric: Dyspepsia with a whitish grey tongue after rich food: vomiting of white mucus: jaundice, sluggish action of liver; constipation with furred tongue; light coloured stools, abdomen tender, diarrhea after fatty food; piles, especially bleeding; dysentery.

Urinary and sexual: Inflammation of bladder; dark coloured urine, with sandy deposits; urethritis; menses too late, leucorrhea, thick and bland; ulceration of womb: morning sickness, and inflammation of the breast.

Respiratory: Loss of voice: asthma, cough, with thick, whitish expectoration croup, pleurisy and pneumonia, after Ferrum phos.

Back and extremities: Rheumatism with swelling around joints; rheumatic pains felt only during motion, or at night in bed: epilepsy.

Skin: Abscesses, boils, carbuncles, acne, eczema, burns, cold sores, pimples, pustules, warts, etc., all require a course of Kali mur.; chief remedy in glandular swellings, old spasmodic conditions.

Kali Phosphoricum (Kali Phos.)

This salt is a constituent of all animal fluids and tissues, notably of the brain, nerves, muscles and blood. It is an antiseptic and hinders the decay of tissues. Nervous conditions known as neurasthenia is the field in which this salt has become preeminent.

The results of a want of nerve power, prostration, exhaustion, loss of mental vigor, depression, brain-fag, softening of the brain, and when there is rapid decomposition of the blood.

It is curative in septic hemorrhages, scorbutic gangrene, stomatitis, offensive, carrion-like, diarrhea or dysentery, adynamic or typhoid conditions, incontinence of urine, urticaria, predisposition to epistaxis in children, dizziness and vertigo from nervous exhaustion, tongue coated as if spread with dark liquid mustard.

Many symptoms are aggravated by noise; by rising from a sitting position: by exertion, physical and mental: pains worse in cold air; ameliorated by gentle motion, eating, excitement, anything in fact that will relievel the mind and aid in restoring the lacking nerve force. Typhoid and gastric fever, malignant conditions.

Mind & head: Nervous dread, anxiety and fear; brain-fag: depressed spirits: general irritability; impaired memory; dullness, want of energy, hysteria, nervousness and weakness; headaches of students and those worn out; very sensitive to noise and other impressions; confused feeling (here follow with Calc. fluor).


Gastric: Tongue dry, feels as if it would cleave to roof of mouth, coated dark brown, edges sore and red; bleeding of gums; hungry feeling, all gone sensation; constant pain in pit of stomach.

Abdomen: Flatulence; diarrhoea, rectum sore, bowel prolapsed; stools dark brown, bloody, offensive. Gastric ulcer.

Back and extremities: Paralytic conditions; burning of feet, fidgety feeling, numbness and weakness; neuralgic pains anywhere with depression; weakness; sciatica; cold aggravates all pains.

Respiratory: Short breath, hoarseness; faintness; intermittent and irregular pulse: palpitation.

Urinary: In wetting of the bed of children, this remedy is often effective when other remedies fail. Frequent urination in old people; diabetes with nervous weakness; Bright’s discase.

Menses premature and profuse, black and offensive: dull headache with menses, very tired and sleepy, legs ache; pain in ovaries and across lower part of back: yellow leucorrhea.

Kali Sulphuricum (Kali Sulph.)

The skin and epithelium are largely under the influence of this salt. It is especially called for in the late stages of all inflammations, in profuse desquamation, in all conditions accompanied by a yellow mucous discharge or caused by suppression of eruptions. When the patient is worse towards evening and better in the open air.

Head & nose: Dizziness and headache, worse in warm room and in the evening; dandruff and scaldhead; eruptions on scalp; colds, with yellow slimy matter; old catarrhs, nose obstructed, lost smell; offensive discharge.

Gastric: Burning thirst; catarrh of stomach with yellow, slimy, coated tongue; pressure as of a load in stomach; dread of hot drinks; yellow, slimy diarrhea, with colic; habitual constipation.

Urinary and sexual: Slimy, yellow or greenish discharge from urethra or from vagina.

Respiratory: Bronchial asthma and catarrh, worse in warm season; cough worse in evening great rattling in the chest, rattling of mucus with cough, suffocative feeling in hot atmosphere, desire for cool air.

Extremities: Rheumatic pains in back and extremities; shifting, wandering, settling in one place, then in another.

Skin: Inactive skin; chaffing of skin; scaly letters; effects of ivy poison; nettlerash; burning, itching eruptions: discased nails; erysipelas: eczema; cancerous growths: polypi.

Magnesia Phosphorica (Mag. Phos.)

This salt is a constituent cheifly of muscles and nerves. It causes contraction in muscular fibres and hence its use in cramps, convulsions and other nervous disturbances.

Pains anywhere that are relieved by warmth and pressure. It is the great antispasmodic remedy. It acts best when given in hot water.

Head & face: Pain in head always relieved by warm applications; neuralgia with chilliness after mental labor; neuralgia around eyes, worse on right side; earache worse from cold air or caused by washing in cold water; face-ache, worse tough, cold wind, washing, better by applications of heat; convulsive twitching of facial muscles or eyelids; toothache; complaints of teething children, especially spasmodic symptoms.

Gastric: Hiccough, heartburn, gastralgia, flatulent dyspepsia: flatulent colic relieved by warmth and pressure; abdomen bloated; watery diarrhea with cramps; constipation of infants, with spasmodic pain at every attempt at stool with much gas.

Female: Menstrual colic; pain precedes flow, intermittent; ovarian neuralgia: membranous discharge with menses; menses too early, dark, fibrous.

Respiratory: Whooping cough, best remedy: any spasmodic cough, worse at night and on lying down: oppression of chest; constriction of chest and throat; angina pectoris; nervous palpitation.

Back and extremities: Neuralgic pains: intercostal neuralgia: tingling sensations: feet very tender; cramps in calves; neuralgia in limbs with muscular contractions; languid and exhausted feeling: chorea; bad effects from stimulants.

Natrum Muriaticum (Nat. Mur.)

This is a constituent of every liquid and solid of the body. It regulates the degree of moisture within the cells. Wherever you find a hypersecretion of the watery elements of the body, with simultaneous want of activity in some other portion of the mucous membranes, you will find Natrum mur the remedy. It acts upon the lymphatic system, the blood, liver, spleen, and upon the mucous lining of the alimentary canal.

Natrum mur. is indicated in headache, toothache, faceache, stomachache, etc. where there is either salivation or hypersecretion of tears, vomiting of water and mucus; also catarrhal affections of mucous membranes, with secretion of transparent, watery, frothy mucus: small watery blisters, breaking and leaving a thin crust: diarrhoea, transparent, glossy, slimy stools: conjunctivitis with discharge of tears and clear mucus: tongue clear, slimy, small bubbles of frothy saliva on sides: leucorrhea watery, smarting; or clear, starch like discharge, etc.

Mind & head: Very depressed in spirit, hypochondriacal mood with constipation, and brain-fag; hammering headache worse in morning: sick headache with constipation: muscles of neck feel weak: itching eruptions on margin of hair at the nape of neck.

Eyes & face: Inflamed eyelids; neuralgia around eyes; impaired vision; old nasal catarrh loss of smell and taste: sallow complexion: cold sores on lips.

Gastric: Waterbrash; ravenous hunger, violent thirst; aversion to bread, healbum, offensive breath; constipation, smarting after stool; piles and fissures.

Urinary: Frequent urination; catarrh of bladder; burning and soreness in vagina after urinating melancholic about the time of menses; prolapse and smarting leucorrhea.

Back and extremities: Backache better by lying on something hard: pain in hip: weakness of legs; cracking of joints.

Natrum Phosphoricum (Nat. Phos.)

This salt is found in the blood, muscles and nerve cells and in the inter-cellular fluids. Through its presence conditions arising from excess of lactic acid are prevented. It serves to emulsify fatty acids and is therefore a remedy for all dyspeptic conditions traceable to fats. This is the remedy in all cases where there is an excess of acidity. Acts also upon the bowels, glands, lungs and abdominal organs. It cures sour belchings and rising of fluids: sour vomiting: greenish, sour smelling diarrhea.

Colic, spasms, fever from acidity of the stomach in children: tongue  with characteristic coating of tongue, eyes discharging a yellow creamy matter: gastric derangement with acidity and flatulence; indigestion, intestinal worms, etc. A characterstic indication is a moist, thick, golden-yellow coating on the tongue and palate.

Head: Giddiness with gastric derangements, sick headaches with sour vomiting.

Gastric: Yellow, creamy coating at the back part of roof of mouth and on tongue; grinding of teeth. Acidity, sour risings; pain after food, nausea and vomiting: flatulence; colic with acidity; stomach-ache from presence of worms; itching of rectum.

Respiratory: A useful intercurrent remedy in catarrhal troubles associated with acidity. Pain in chest from pressure and breathing: consumption; palpitation, pulse felt in different parts of body.

Back and extremities: Weak feeling: legs give way while walking.

Natrum Sulphuricum (Nat. Sulph.)

This salt does not appear in the cell, only in the intercellular fluids. It aids and regulates the excretion of superfluous water. Gastric, bilious conditions, dropsy, liver diseases, results of living in damp, low dwellings or regions, uric acid diathesis, all are benefited by this remedy. The chief characteristic symptom is the appearance of the tongue – dirty, greenish brown.

Head: Sick headache with bilious diarrhea; violent pain at base of brain; mental troubles arising from injuries to the head.

Gastric: Bitter taste: mouth full of slime, thick and tenacious, must hawk it up; tongue coated dirty, brownish; vomiting of bile: flatulent colic; diarrhea, stools dark, bilious, worse in morning, particularly after wet weather; great size of the fecal mass; aching in region of liver, Gall stones.

Urinary: Chief remedy in diabetes; sandy deposit in urine like brick-dust, Gonorrhoea.

Respiratory: Asthma, worse in damp weather, cough with thick, ropy expectoration; bronchial catarrh; cough worse in early morning: difficult breathing: asthma in children from suppression of skin troubles.

Back and extremities: Soreness up and down spine and back; drawing back of neck; sciatica; gout: twitching during sleep; intermittent fever in all its stages; dropsy. Spinal meningitis.


This salt is found in hair, nails, skin, periosteum, nerve sheath and a little in bone tissues. It acts prominently upon the bones glands, skin, and is especially suited to the imperfectly nourished constitutions. It is the remedy for ailment attended with pus formation. It ripens abscesses and promotes suppuration. Especially indicated in sensitive patients who are always chilly.

Mind & head: Oversensitive, irritable. Vertigo, headache coming up from nape of neck, worse on right side; worse from noise, exertion, light, study; better from warmth: styes.

Gastric: Child vomits as soon as it nurses; chronic dyspepsia; disgust for meat and warm food; very hungry: large abdomen; paralytic condition of bowels; patient is cold all the time; menses are associated with icy coldness and constipation and fetid foot sweat.

Respiratory: Cough of sickly children, with night sweats; hoarseness: tickling cough; cough and sore throat with expectoration of little granules smelling badly: deep-seated, pain in chest; much pus-like expectoration: chronic heart disease.

Back and extremities: Spinal irritation: soreness between shoulders; hip-joint disease; whitlow, felon; nails crippled and brittle; habitual fetid perspiration of the feet or axillae; ingrowing toe-nails; pains in feet; weak ankles; skin heals with difficulty, and suppurates easily; skin very sensitive; all sorts of eruptions and ulcerations; enlarged suppurating glands: patient feels better in warm room, and by heat generally.


An organ of taste. Owing to its regular contact with various food articles, tends to get involved in many affections. It assists in mastication and swallowing of food. G.I.T. diseases, deficiency diseases exhibit their symptoms through tongue.

  • Calc. Sulph. Yellow-coated at base, clay coloured, flabby: sour taste, inflamed and suppurating tongue.
  • Ferrum Phos. Inflammation with dark red swelling. Cancer.
  • Kali Mur. Swollen: coating white, grayish, and shining
  • Kali Phos. Tongue excessively dry, brown; edges red and sore.
  • Kali Sulph. Coated yellow, slimy with insipid, pappy taste, whitish edges.
  • Nat. Mur. Clean, moist tongue; sensation of a hair on tongue. Feels dry, but actually is not dry. Frothy saliva on the sides and tip.
  • Nat. Phos. Coating at the base moist, creamy or golden yellow. Feeling of hair on the tip of the tongue.
  • Calc. Fluor. Cracked appearance of tongue.
  • Calc. Phos. Swollen, stiff, numb, white-furred. Cancer. Pimples.
  • Silicea. Induration of the tongue, hardening. Inflammation resulting in suppuration.
  • Nat. Sulph. Coating dirty brownish gray or grayish green. Taste bitter, sour.
  • Mag. Phos. Yellow, shiny coating, with pain in abdomen.


  • NAT. SULPH throws out excessive fluid from the tissues.
  • NAT. MUR. is the agent for establishing an equilibrium of fluids in various tissues of the body, it gives the body the capacity to use fluids in body cells. In some cases, therefore, both the remedies given together may antidote one another. The right course will depend on the individual situations.
  • SILICEA has the capacity to throw out foreign bodies from the skin or body system.

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