Biochemic Treatment of Accidents, Burns, Scalds, Ulcers and Discharges
Trauma of any kind, is a common mishap in daily life. Care of wound and affected part is a must. Preventive measures can reduce the number of deaths and sufferings significantly.
- Fer. Phos. 3x. In fresh, bleeding wounds; cuts, falls, blows and sprains. Give every two hours and sprinkle powdered 3x tablets on the bleeding part. It will arrest haemorrhage. Bruises. It prevents pain, congestion, fever, swelling. Strains to tendons and ligaments.
- Kali Phos. Useful in septic wounds.
- Calc. Fluor. For strained muscles and bruises of bones. Use in 12x potency.
- Calc. Sulph. Bruises, cuts, wounds; neglected; when suppuration sets in, wounds discharge pus.
- Nat. Sulph. Head injury and its bad effects. Mental troubles arising after head injury.
- Silicea. Neglected injuries, suppurating wounds discharging thick, yellow pus, especially for deep-seated suppuration.
Burns and Scalds
One of the most frequent of all injuries burns are caused by dry heat, whereas scalds are by wet heat, by hot water, oil, etc. Burns are classified into three degrees according to their depth.
In first degree the damage is limited to the outer layer of skin with redness, warmth and tenderness. In second degree the damage goes through the outer layer and involves the deeper true skin, forming blebs and blisters. In third degree the entire skin is destroyed and charred layer of tissue is exposed.
When it covers over one third to one half of the body, the result is fatal especially in children. Treatment should start with application of cold water over the affected area and treatment for shock be given by lowering the head and raising the legs up.
- Ferrum Phos. 3x should be given frequently.
- Silicea 6x and Calc. Sulph. 6x. if suppuration has taken place.
- Kali Mur. Burns of first degree, also of the second with blisters. Can be applied externally also. White or grayish exudation over wound.
Formation of pus in an infected area. Pus is a creamy, yellow or greenish thick fluid composed of broken down white blood cells, serum and germs. The color varies with the infecting germ.
- Calc. Sulph. To check the process.
- Silicea. To promote suppuration (3x, 6x). To suppress suppuration (30x).
Excessive mucous and serous discharge in reaction to any allergy or infection.
- Calc. Phos. – Milky
- Calc. Fluor & Mag. Phos. – Painful
- Ferr. Phos. – Bloody
- Kali Mur. – Fibrinous, stringy or gluey discharges, greyish white.
- Kali. Sulph. – Thick
- Kali Phos. – Septic
- Nat. Mur. – Serous, watery, clear
- Nat. Phos. – Yellowish, sour
- Nat. Sulph. – Green
Bleeding from a wound, surgical incisions, nosebleed, piles, dental extractions and some other causes. Internal bleeding may result from rupture of aneurysm in the chest and in brain causing heart attack or stroke.
- Calc. Fluor. Haemoptysis, bright red blood, short hacking cough.
- Calc. Sulph. Epistaxis; nasal secretion tinged with blood; bright red blood.
- Ferrum Phos. Blood bright red. Used in 3x potency usually controls the haemorrhages. Epistaxis of bright red blood, from injury or otherwise, tendency to nosebleed in young. rapidly growing children.
- Kali Mur. When the blood is dark, black, clotted or tough; vomiting of such blood. Nosebleed in afternoon.
- Kali Phos. Haemorrhages in weak, delicate people, the aged; and where the blood is blackish, thin, like coffee-grounds. Epistaxis. Septic haemorrhage.
- Nat. Mur. When the blood is thin and watery. Epistaxis on stooping, coughing etc.
Any open sore other than a wound with an inflamed base. Such a lesion occurs in the skin or mucous membrane of some internal organ.
- Calc. Phos. Ulceration of bone substance; as an intercurrent.
- Calc. Sulph. Ulceration of the glands. Ulcers discharging purulent matter. Pimples, wounds, burns or bruises resulting in ulcers.
- Calc. Fluor. Ulceration of bones, varicose ulcers.
- Ferrum Phos. Ulcers with fever, heat and redness.
- Kali Mur Ulcers with fibrinous white discharge. Ulceration of cornea.
- Kali Sulph. Tuburculous ulcer with a continues discharge of yellowish pus.
- Nat. Phos. Ulceration of the stomach or intestine. Syphilitic ulcer.
- Silicea. Always indicated in suppurative process. Ulcers of lower limb; spongy bleeding ulcer. Ulceration following abrasion of the skin over the shin bone.
Bites and Stings
Through stings venom is pushed under the skin. It contains histamine-like substance which causes allergic reaction. Blister, redness and swelling are the local reactions, usually disappear in 24 hours.
- Nat. Mur., Nat. Phos., Ferr. Phos. and Kali Phos. 6x dissolved in hot water should be taken in frequent sips. Stronger solution of the same salts can be used for external application as a compress.
It is a highly contagious venereal disease. It affects genitor-urinary tract of both men and women. It is caused by bacteria calld Neisseria gonorrhoe almost always spread during sexual intercourse by the infected partner. It can not be contacted by using public toilets.
After the infection a yellow discharge from the tip of penis comes. In severe cases phimosis may shut off flow of urine. If urtreated gonorrhoea may spread to urethral canal and infect other organs connected to it.
- Calc. Phos. Gleet; intercurrent with Nat. Mur. (3x) Anaemic. Hydrocele.
- Calc. Sulph. Blood-mixed pus.
- Ferr. Phos. Inflammations. (Avoid exercise, walking, running, massage, etc.)
- Kali Mur. & Nat. Phos. Chief remedies, and to be used intercurrently along with other selected remedies. Swelling due to subcutaneous or other exudations; thick, white or yellowish-white pus. Gleet and eczema. Disposition to glandular swelling, figwarts.
- Kali Phos. Discharge of blood, inflammation of glans penis and prepuce. Can be applied externally (3x).
- Kali Sulph. Yellowish-green, slimy discharge. Gleet.
- Nat. Mur. Chronic, scalding, transparent, watery discharge (3x). Gleet, one last drop persists. After treatment with inj. silver nitrate, will reduce after-effects. Urethra painful.
- Nat. Sulph. Yellowish-green, slimy discharge. Condylomata, enlarged prostate.
- Silicea. Long, standing cases: thick, foetid pus: feels cold all over: burning in glans, sweat on scrotum and itching. Constipation. straining at stool (200x or even higher).
It is a highly contagious venereal disease, with global incidence and is on the rise once again. It is caused by a spirochete called treponema pallidum. Infection is transmitted by direct sexual contact through mucous membranes or through a lesion in the skin. The disease has its primary, secondary and tertiary or late stage. It affects almost every part of the body.
- Ferr. Phos Bubo, heat, tenderness, throbbing.
- Kali Mur. Soft chancre; chronic stage; ulceration of gums externally also.
- Kali Phos. Malignant condition.
- Silicea. After abuse of mercury, to promote suppuration.
- Nat. Mur. Serous exudation in chronic cases.
A new growth of tissue in a limited area with abnormal structure or location. They are of two types, benign and cancerous. They take their name from the part of body from where they originate, myoma from muscles, fibroma from fibrous tissue.
- Calc. Phos. Cysts of all sorts goiter, weeping sinew, housemaid’s, knee, etc.
- Calc. Fluor. Hard tumours, knots, hardened glands in the breast, indurated lumps.
- Ferrum Phos. For excessive pain in cancer esp. in tongue.
- Kali Mur. Breast cancer with marked tenderness.
- Kali Phos. Cancer, for the pain, offensive discharge and debility.
- Kali Sulph. Epithelioma, cancer of the skin near a mucous lining with discharge of thin mattery secretion.
- Nat. Phos. Cancer of tongue. Goitre.
- Nat. Mur. Ranula.
Inflammations in General
A reaction of the tissues of the body to an injury or infection, characterized by redness, heat, swelling and pain. It is usually due to micro-organisms but may also result from any severe irritation of the skin, as from rubbing chemical or from heat.
Redness and heat is due to influx of blood to the affected part and pain due to the effect of swelling over nerve endings. The affected part should be cleaned with calendula and should be given full rest.
- Ferrum Phos. First stage, the stage of hyperaemia. irrespective of the organ involved and regardless of cause. Always before exudation has set in
- Kali Mur. Second stage, recent cell-proliferation and white mucus discharges.
- Calc. Sulph. Third stage, stage of resolution, with purulent and profuse discharge.
- Kali Sulph. Yellow, fatty, degenerated secretion.
- Silicea. Lower form suits also to lower the nerve irritability.
A tumour, а carcinoma, оr sarcoma, possessing the fine attributes of malignancy; ulceration, invasiveness to neighbouring tissues, recurrance after removal, migration to distant organs and tissues via the lymphatics or blood channels and usually fatal termination.
Cancer is a collection of primitive cells, probably misplaced during the embryonic period which remain dormant for years until they became activated by a carcinogen. Then they multiply wildly beyond the capacity of normal tissues and acquire the properties of malignancy.
Tobacco, claypipe tar, asbestos, X-Ray, sunlight, sex hormones and some insecticides are carcinogenic. Constant irritation can also produce cancerous changes.
- Kali Sulph. 6x. Cancer of lips, breast, oral cavity, etc. Thin, yellowish discharges from the cancerous ulcer.
- Kali Phos. 3x. 6x, 30x extremely painful and foul smelling discharges. One of the best remedies for cancer.
- Calc. Phos. 6x. Glands enlarged and ulcerated, specially indicated for scrofulous patients.
- Kali Mur. Breast cancer; initial stages. Painful on touch. Soft tumour.
- Silicea. Slow suppuration. icy coldness of affected part, bad smelling discharge like rotten flesh.