Maintenance of Health by Tissue Salts

Maintenance of Health by Tissue Salts

With the onset of middle age, there can be follow middle age spread. This is a clear indication that

  • the entire system needs toning up (Calc. Fluor.)
  • digestion and assimilation needs to be improved (Calc. Phos.) and
  • excess water to be eliminated from the system (Nat. Mur.).
  • Remember, health cannot be long maintained under obesity.

Avoiding Summer Ills

Kali Mur., Nat. Phos. and Nat. Sulph. help to safeguard summer health. All are excellent digestive aids.

  • Kali Mur. is the salt concerned with the production of saliva which greatly helps in early stage of digestion. It also helps in digesting rich and fatty food. Loss of appetite calls for Kali Mur.
  • Nat. Phos. is a great acid neutraliser.
  • Nat. Sulph. largely controls the healthy functioning of liver. It ensures an adequate supply of free-flowing healthy bile so necessary for the later stages of digestion.

Autumn and Winter

Ferr. Phos., Kali Mur. and Nat. Mur. improve the resistance of the body to fight against colds, sore throat and other respiratory ailments.

  • Ferr. Phos. is the oxygen carrier, it corrects inflammatory tendencies and prevents local congestion.
  • Kali Mur. helps in elimination of the waste products of cellular activity. Its need is readily recognised in what is known as a “running cold”.

Biochemic Combination Tablets

Bio-plasgen No. 1 (Anaemia)

Bio-plasgen No. 2 (Asthma)

Bio-plasgen No.3 (Colic)

Bio-plasgen NO.5 (Coryza)

Bio-plasgen No.6 (Cough, Cold and Catarrh)

Bio-plasgen No.7 (Diabetes)

Bio-plasgen No.4 (Constipation)

Bio-plasgen No.8 (Diarrhoea)

Bio-plasgen No.9 (Dysentery)

Bio-plasgen No. 10 (Enlarged Tonsils)

Bio-plasgen No. 11 (Fever)

Bio-plasgen No.12 (Headache)

Bio-plasgen No. 13 (Leucorrhoea)

Bio-plasgen No. 14 (Measles)

Bio-plasgen No. 15 (Menstruation Troubles)

Bio-plasgen No. 16 (Nervous Exhaustion)

Bio-plasgen No. 17 (Piles)

Bio-plasgen No. 18 (Pyorrhoea)

Bio-plasgen No. 19 (Rheumatism)

Bio-plasgen No.20 (Skin Diseases)

Bio-plasgen No.21 (Teething Troubles)

Bio-plasgen No.22 (Scrafula)

Bio-plasgen No.23 (Toothache)

Bio-plasgen No.24 (Tonic: Nerves and Brain)

Bio-plasgen No.25 (Acidity, Flatulence and Indigestion)

Bio-plasgen No.26 (Easy parturition)

Bio-plasgen No.27 (Lack of Vitality)

Bio-plasgen No.28 (General Tonic)

Treatment of Domestic Animals by Tissue Salts

Many a pet lover has had cause to be thankful to the tissue salts for their remedial aid in treating sick domestic animals. Animal’s ailments are similar to our own, and their symptoms, viewed biochemically, a guide to the treatment required. Animals respond well to such corrective measures. They take to this form of nutritional medication easily and their natural mode of living favours a quick response.

The common minor ailments of domestic animals can be treated biochemically with most gratifying results but in the event of serious disease, or if the symptoms are in any way unusual you should immediately consult a veterinary doctor.

The biochemic tissue salts are not drugs but vital cell foods and their action complete harmony with nature. The tiny tablets dissolve on the tongue, or may be given dissolved in a little warm water. For chronic cases, give three doses daily; acute cases, every half hour.

  • Calc. Fluor. Diseases affecting the surface of bones and enamel of teeth. Piles, hard glands, uterine displacements, prolapses.
  • Calc. Phos, General tonic; anaemia, rickets, broken bones, malnutrition. Coldness of the body. Strengthens the teeth.
  • Cale. Sulph. Mouth ulcers. Suppurations and wounds that are slow to heal. Abscess about the anus.
  • Ferr. Phos. Fever, high temperature, cuts, scratches, bleeding (apply externally as powder or lotion). The preeminent first-aid.
  • Kali Mur. Flu (alternate with Ferr. Phos) respiratory ailments, greyish patches or spots in throat, constipation (light coloured stools), abscess, boils (alternate with Silicea), eczema alternate with Kali Sulph. and Nat. Mur.). Sluggish liver. White or greyish-white discharges.
  • Kali Phos. Symptoms of nervous character. High-strung animals. Hysteria, asthma, shortness of breath.
  • Kali Sulph. Skin troubles. eczema alternate with Kali Mur. & Nat. Mur.) Sore paws with scaling of skin. Catarrh, yellow crusts on the eyelids with yellowish, sticky discharge, dry nose.
  • Mag. Phos. Nerve pains, cramp: spasmodic. nervous twitching. Flatulent colic. Trembling of limbs.
  • Nat. Mur. Constipation with dry stools. Nettlerash, bites and stings of insects (also apply externally). Eczema with watery discharges (alternate with Kali Mur. and Kali Sulph.). Anaemia (alternate with Calc. Phos.). Blood thin and watery, excess saliva.
  • Nat. Phos. Acidity, digestion upsets, worms, associated with fretfulness and irritability. Sour-smelling stools. Skin irritations with acid perspiration.
  • Nat. Sulph. Boiliousness with vomiting of watery greenish fluid. Yellow eyeballs, humid asthma, rheumatic symptoms, worse from damp.
  • Silicea. Pustules, boils, styes, suppurating wounds, ulcers. Diseased claws. Silicea and Kali. Sulph. are excellent conditioning the coat.

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