Homeopathic Treatment of Stomach Disorders

Homeopathic Treatment of Stomach Disorders

1. Pain through stomach to back and right shoulder blade.

  • Chel. 30 to 200.

2. Pain lancinating in pit of stomach extending to vertebra and scapula.

  • Bad. 6x to 30x, four times in a day.

3. Pain in Abdomen – Cramping pain in frequent attacks of diarrhoea.

  • Nit-ac. – 30.

4. Painful affection of stomach, ulceration, vomiting of food and indurations. Constant burning pain, burning pain behind sternum. (Breast Bone), where food seems to stick.

  • Cund. Q or low potencies, before meals.

5. Pain, lancinating type from pit of stomach across back.

  • Sabin. 30, four times in a day, 4 hourly.

6. Pain-sharp in abdominal muscles and gripping pain in bowels.

  • Stry. 30.

7. Pain in stomach about two hours after eating food. Vomiting of sour fluids.

Nat-p. 6x and 30 to 200.

8. Stomach disordered, diarrhoea alternates with constipation, especially in old age. Diarrhoea after overeating. Hard lumps mixed with watery discharge.

  • Ant-c. 30.

9. Stitching pain in stomach. Chronic inflammation of liver, enormously enlarged liver.

  • Nit-ac. 30.

10. Pain in Liver – Pain in region of, with jaundice. Enlarged spleen.

  • Nit-ac. 30.

11. Pain in liver. Pain under inferior angle of right scapula (shoulder blade).

  • Chel. 30 to 200.

12. Liver affections – chronic. Liver painful, enlarged, stools constipated hard and accumulated in rectum.

  • Sel. 6 to 30.

13. Liver affections. Hepatitis, jaundice, sluggish liver, low fever, dyspepsia.

  • (a) Chel. 3x (b) Berb. 6x (c) Card-m. 3x (d) Kalmegh 3x (e) Myric. 3x

Mix all in equal quantities.

Dose: One drop in some water for a dose four times a day 4 hourly.

14. Jaundice.

  • (a) Nat-s. 12x (b) Chel. Q (c) Card. Q (d) Hydr. Q

Mix in equal quantities.

Dose: Adult: 5 to 10 drops for a dose in some water 4 times a day 4 hourly.

Child: Half of the adult dose.

15. Stool dark green, jaundice, biliousness, bitter taste.

  • Nat-s. 6x and 30 to 200.

16. (a) Jaundice. From catarrh of the bile duct. Pain in liver and inability to lie on right side.

  • Merc. 30 to 200.

(b) Pain in liver sharp, better from lying on right side.

  • Bry. 30 to 200.

(c) Yellow stools, pain under angle of right shoulder blade.

  • Chel. 30 to 200.

(d) With congested liver, white stools.

  • Chel. 30 to 200.

(Some give Acon. 3x three or four times and then give Merc.).

(e) For chronic jaundice.

  • Iod. 30 to 200

17. Jaundice, colic, headache and gastric disturbance due to excess of acid.

  • Nat-p. 6x to 12x and 30 to 200.

18. Hepatitis. (Acute inflammation of the liver). Liver sore to touch, cannot bear tight clothing around waist. Urine loaded with bile.

  • Nat-s. 30 to 200.

19. Enlarged spleen.

  • Grin. Q or lower potencies.

Peptic Ulcer Disease

Peptic ulcer disease is a very common ailment, affecting a good number of persons. The stomach produces a very strong acid, which digests and breaks down food before it enters the small intestine – duodenum. The lining of the stomach is covered with a thick protective mucous layer which prevents the acid from injuring the wall of the stomach.

Peptic ulcer is an open sore in the lining of the stomach or intestine same as ulcers in mouth or skin, caused by acid and pepsin, a digestive stomach enzyme.

Gastric ulcers are the one which occur in the stomach. The duodenal ulcers occur in the first portion of the intestine beyond the stomach.

In the end, it is acid that causes the injury to the bowel wall. It has also been discovered that most peptic ulcers result from a stomach infection which is caused by the bacteria, Helicobacter pylori.

Helicobacter pylori bacteria is the basic cause of most peptic ulcers, excluding these caused by aspirin or allopathic arthritis drugs. This bacteria has a twisted spiral shape (Helico) an infect the mucous layer lining of the stomach. This is a true infection and produces an inflammation in the stomach wall called gastritis.

The body even develops and antibody in the blood against it. The bacteria is probably acquired through ingesting contaminated food or drinking fluids. It is only after this bacteria injures the protective mucous layer of the stomach that an ulcer develops.

Aspirin and allopathic arthritis drugs are known to have cause damage to the mucous layer of the stomach, after which the stomach acid causes the final injury.

The Helicobacter pylori bacteria and the allopathic drugs mentioned above are the two major factors that bring on ulcers.

Some patients that produce very large amount of acid uncontrollably causes ulcers. A stomach cancer may look and act like a peptic ulcer. Some persons get ulcers for reasons not known.

Ulcers cause gnawing, burning pain in the upper abdomen, which frequently occur several hours after taking a meal, after the food leaves the stomach, but while acid production is still high. The burning sensation can occur during the night and will be so extreme that it will wake the patient.

Some patients instead of pain experience intense hunger or bloating. Antacids and cold milk will give temporary relief.

Some patients have no pain but have black stools, indicating that the ulcer is bleeding, which is a serious complication of ulcers.

The patient’s medical history will reveal the diagnosis of peptic ulcer. But it should always be confirmed either by an upper intestinal endoscopy, which allows direct examination of the ulcer through a fiber-optic instrument endoscope. Or by a barium X-ray of the stomach. With endoscopy, a biopsy is usually obtained of a gastric ulcer to determine if it is malignant and surgery is necessary.

In homoeopathy, Ant-t., Arg-n., Ars., Bism., Carb-v., Hydr., Kali-bi., Nux-v., Puls. are the remedies, which are acid-suppressing remedies, and dramatically effective in relieving symptoms and allowing ulcers to heal.

A homoeopath has to select an appropriate remedy according to the totality of symptoms of the patient and as far as possible the right potency of the remedy.

In case an ulcer has been caused by aspirin or arthritis drugs, then usually a treatment is required. Avoiding these drugs should prevent ulcer recurrence.

The caffeine and alcohol both of these items stimulate the secretion of stomach acid, therefore these should be avoided.

Nicotine from smoking tobacco will delay the healing of the ulcer. Therefore stop smoking tobacco.

In the past stress and emotion were considered to be a major cause of ulcers. Now it has been proved that by itself, stress rarely causes an ulcer, although it can aggravate the symptoms.

For an ulcer complication such as perforation, obstruction or uncontrolled haemorrhage, surgery may be needed.

1. Peptic ulcer.

  • Anac. 200

Dose: Three times in a day, for three days. Then placebo, three times in a day for 10 days.

2. Ulcer – Duodenal.

  • Graph. 30 to 200.

Hyperacidity (Heartburn, Pyrosis and Reflex)

Some time everyone has hyperacidity or heartburn. This happens when stomach acid flows back into the feed pipe (esophagus) from which food goes to the stomach. Heartburn or pain behind the breastbone is usually experienced by the people after taking their meals. Heartburn usually accompanies the regurgitation of food and bitter taste. Taking of cold milk or antacid drugs relieves heart- burn temporarily.

The esophagus or food pipe carries food and liquid to the stomach. A specialised muscle which is known as sphincter is located at the end of the esophagus, and this is called the lower esophageal sphincter, which contracts, and should maintain a certain pressure to keep the end of the esophagus closed to prevent admission of the stomach juices. The lower esophagus sphincter muscle should only open when food is to pass into the stomach.

The lower esophageal sphincter muscle does not always function perfectly and properly, and can be easily overcome by a number of factors, such as eating a large meal, swallowing air with it. This causes pressure in the stomach to rise, thus overpowering the lower oesophageal sphincter muscles.

Other factors that reduce the lower esophageal sphincter muscle pressure and allow reflux are

  • certain allopathic medicines,
  • nicotine from smoking of tobacco, such as cigarettes, bears etc.
  • most of the time lying flat,
  • fried or fatty feeds.
  • too much chocolate,
  • coffee
  • citrus fruits and juices,
  • too much peppermint,
  • pregnancy,
  • hiatus hernia.

Although heartburn and reflux are very common, it is rarely life threatening. Severe cases can cause injury to the lower esophagus that requires proper treatment. About ten percent of population and twenty-five percent of pregnant women are daily experiencing the heartburn and reflux.

The oesophagus passes through the diaphragm which separates the lungs from the abdomen. When the opening in the diaphragm enlarges, a portion of the stomach can protrude (herniate) through it into the chest, this is a hiatus hernia. This may produce significant heartburn.

Many people who experience heartburn do not have a hiatus hernia, and likewise many people with a hiatus hernia do not experience heartburn. These two conditions can occur independently of each other.

There are usually two types of hiatus hernias. Sliding hiatus hernia, and fixed hiatus hernia.

(a) Sliding hiatus hernia is common type of hiatus hernia, the herniated portion of the stomach slides back and forth, into and out of the chest. The hernias are usually small and cause no problem or even symptoms.

(b) Fixed hiatus hernia, in this type of hernia the upper part of the stomach is fixed up in the chest. Even with this hernia there may be a few symptoms. However the potential for problems in the esophagus is increased.

  • To diagnose reflux the patient is given a certain amount of liquid barium and X-rays are taken of the esophagus and stomach to know how they function.
  • The upper G.I. endoscopy where the patient is given a mild sedative and a flexible fiberoptic scope or videoscope is inserted into the esophagus to visually inspect it and the stomach.
  • Esophageal manometry, this test measures the pressure within the esophagus, especially the lower esophageal sphincter pressure.

With long term reflux there may be some problems or complications, such as

  • Chronic bleeding and anemia.
  • Scar formation and narrowing of the lower esophagus.
  • Barrettes esophagus, this happens when long term reflux irritates the lower esophagus so that the lining of the stomach actually grows into the esophagus. In such cases, there is a slight but definite risk of subsequent malignancy.
  • When reflux results in stomach fluid trickling into the breathing tubes, the lung problem occurs, causing wheezing, bronchitis and even pneumonia. This usually occurs at night when the patient is lying down.

To reduce reflux the patient should take the following precautions:-

(a) Should eat smaller and more frequent meals. Should avoid eating before going to bed. Avoid excessive forward bending, lifting and abdominal exercises. Avoid wearing tight belts, waist bands, because all these increase abdominal pressure, cause reflux.

(b) If the patient is overweight, then lose weight. Overweight promotes reflux.

(c) Stop or significantly reduce smoking tobacco in order to reduce consumption of nicotine, fried fatty foods, alcohol, coffee, chocolate and peppermint.

(d) Keep the head raised by 8″ to 10″ when sleeping, by keeping some pillows underneath the upper part of the mattress, or some bricks under the bed. Sleeping in head raised position will keep stomach juices out of the esophagus.

(e) Some of the allopathic drugs such as anti-spasmodics, calcium channel blockers, antidepressants and others, which lower the strength of the lower esophageal sphincter muscle are to be avoided, if possible. This may be checked with the physician.

The homoeopathic remedies (antacids) which are given below are to be given to the patient 15 to 20 minutes before or after taking the meals.

Arg-nit., Calc-c., Carb-v., Lyc., Nat-m., Nux-v., Puls., Sul-ac.

A homoeopathic doctor has to select an appropriate remedy to suit the patient. With proper homoeopathic treatment the secretion of stomach acid is effectively reduced and even eliminated, and increases the strength of the lower esophageal sphincter muscle. These remedies are also important for treating reflux.

With homoeopathic treatment of reflux, surgery is rarely required. However in some rare cases when an intensive as outlined above is not sufficiently effective surgery may be considered to strengthening the lower oesophageal sphincter muscle. Surgery however is not always permanently successful and there can be complications which needs extensive homoeopathic treatment.

Heartburn is very common and is sometime experienced by every one. But when heartburn is persistent, it often required long term follow up care. Homoeopathic treatment is usually very effective, and can prevent complications.

A patient, who, for his chronic illness is on drugs, when reports to an homoeopath for treatment, never take the patient off drugs. Sudden taking off the drugs may aggravate condition of the patient so much that it may become difficult to control. Changes will take place with homoeopathic treatment, and then gradually stop to drugs. Make this point clear to the patient.

It also must be explained to the patient, that with homoeopathic remedies some time reaction takes place, and should not get afraid and rush to an allopathic doctor for medicines for something both the patient and the doctor consider that as a now sickness, but which in fact is a removal of morbid matter from the body with reaction of homoeopathic remedy. An homoeopath should help to educate the patient to accept such reaction or aggravation, should it occur.

1. Heartburn. Desire for lemonade. Bitter taste. Lancinating pain from pit of stomach across back.

  • Sabin. 3 to 30.

2. Gas

(a) Peps. 30 one dram

(b) Carb-v. 30, one dram

(c) Sodium bicarbonate 30 two drams.

Mix all the above and keep in a well corked bottle.

Dose: One drop in an ounce of water after meals.

3. Gas accumulation in gastrointestinal canal with mental depression.

  • Saroth. 30 to 200.

4. Gas particularly in females.

  • (a) Carb-v. 30 (b) Chin. 30 (c) Puls. 30  (d) Sep. 30.

Mix one drop of each of these remedies in 4 teaspoonful of good potable water (if possible in distilled water or water boiled and cooled). Make thus four doses. Give one dose 4 hourly.

5. Gastric catarrh – chronic.

  • Cund. 4.

6. Gastric troubles (Hyperacidity, Heartburn, etc.)

  • (a) Robinia 6 (b) Sul-ac. 6 (c) Caps. 6 (d) Phos. 6 (e) Nat-p. 6

Mix all in equal quantities.

Dose: 2 to 5 drops in one teaspoonful of water for a dose. 4 times a day.

Child: Half of the adult dose.

7. Gastroenteritis.

  • Lac-ac. 30.

8. Flatulent colic, much wind, gas escaping from bowels, itching of anus.

  • Kali-s. 6x and 30 to 200.

9. Distention of abdomen with gas (meteorism).

  • (a) Carb-v. 3x (b) Asaf. 3x (c) Cham. 1x (d) Lyc. 6x

Mix all in equal quantities.

Dose: One to five drops in some warm water, 4 times a day.

10. Digestive disturbances from too little acid.

  • Nat-m. 6x to 12x and 30 to 200.

11. Loss of appetite, heartburn, nausea, vomiting.

  • Antim Crud. 30.

12. Loss of appetite and weakness.

Mixture (1)

  • (a) Cheledonium. 30 (b) China. 30 (c) Carbo Veg. 30.

Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: One drop 3 times a day.

Mixture (2)

  • (a) Carduus marianus Q (b) Kalmegh (Adrograpis paniculata) Q

Mix 5 drops of each in some water for a dose, give 3 times a day 2/3 hours alternately with the above mixture (1)

13. Belching constant. Bloating after eating.

  • Ant-c. 30.

14. Burning sensation in stomach, through esophagus into throat, in lower abdomen and anus.

  • Agro. 3.

15. White coated tongue. Mouth and lips cracked.

  • Thlas. Q or 6th potency.
  • Capsella  Q or 6th potency.

16. Dirty greenish-grey or greenish brown coating of tongue root bitter taste.

  • Nat-s. 6x and 30 to 200.

17. Nausea and retching of gastric ulcer.

  • Grin. Q or lower potencies.

18. Nausea, bitter vomiting.

  • Agro. 3 to 30.

19. Desire to vomit. Heartburn and gulping up of food after eating. Constant distress and burning in stomach, inclination to vomit. Ulceration of stomach, protrusion of rectum when at stool. Sticking, jagging, burning pain as if the rectum were full of sticks. Great suffering with blind hemorrhoids (piles), bleeding piles.

  • Aesc. Q, 30.

20. Vomiting – Child vomits milk in curds, and refuse to take milk.

  • Ant-c. 30.

21. Vomiting in pregnancy with bitter taste.

  • Nat-s. 6x and 30 to 200.

22. Tenderness great over the stomach. Soreness in pit of stomach on pressure. Violent nausea, retching. Black vomit. Vomiting of mucus, green slime, blood. Cutting pain in stomach.

  • Cadm-s. 3 to 200.

23. Colic of gall stone.

  • Bell. 3 to 200.

24. Gallbladder obstruction, Gall colic.

  • Chel. 30 to 200.

25. Colic of gall stone. Angina pectoris. Laboured breathing.

  • Dios. Q

Dose: 5 to 10 drops in some water 4 hourly 4 times a day.

Child: Half of the mentioned dose.

26. Stones – Gall Stone

  • Chion. Q

Dose: 5 to 15 drops for a dose in one teaspoonful of water, four times in a day, 4 hourly.

  • Chel. Q, Chion. Q, Hydr. Q

Mix all in equal quantities.

Dose: 15 to 20 drops in half an ounce water, four times in a day, 4


27. Colic renal, gall bladder stones.

  • (a) Berb. 1x (b) Canth. 2x (d) Coll. 3x (d) Petros. 3x (e) Crataeva 2x

Mix all in equal quantities.

Dose: 5 to 15 drops in some hot water 4 times a day 4 hourly to relieve pain, otherwise in fresh water.

28. General tonic

  • Alfalfa Q, 50 parts
  • Aven. Q,  25 parts
  • Aswagandha Q, 25 parts.

Mix well all the above and keep in a well-corked bottle.

Dose: 5 drops in some water three times a day.

Child: 2 drops for a dose in some water.

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