Homeopathic Treatment of Children Disorders
1. Children take long time to walk.
- Calc-p. 3x to 30.
2. Children’s teething problems, and loss of appetite.
- Ferr-m. 3, Calc-p. 3, Cham. 3, Lec. 3x, Nat-c. 3x , Pepsin 3x
- Mix all in equal quantities.
- Dose: One drop in some water, 4 times a day 4 hourly.
3. Debility of children, and ailments associated with advancing (age) years.
- Ferr-p. 6x or 12x.
4. Bed wetting by young children with nervous symptoms and urinary irritation (enuresis).
- (a) Rhus-t. Q, 5 drops (b) Bell. 3x, 1 drop (c) Canth. 3x, 1 drop, for one dose.
- One dose in one ounce of water at bed time only.
5. Bed wetting. Nocturnal (at night) and diurnal (daily) enuresis, weak bladder.
- (a) Calc-p. 30 (b) Caust. 30 (c) Ferr-p. 6 (d) Kali-p. 6 (e) Puls. 6 (f) Sep. 6
- (a) Gels. 3x (b) Kali-p. 6x (c) Bell. 12x (d) Olnd. 3x (e) Caust. 6x
- Mix all in equal quantities.
- Dose: One drop in some water, four times in a day, 4 hourly.
6. To gain height, growth and development of dwarf children.
- (a) Baryta carb. 30 (b) Calc-p. 30 (c) Silicea 30 (d) Thuja 30
- Mix all in equal quantities.
- Dose: 2 to 5 drops in some water for a dose. Three times a day. This is a long term treatment, because the growth of bones is slow.
7. Anemia – Rickets
- Calc Phos 6x or 12x.
8. Child peevish and irritable. Child wants to be carried about in arms; it soothes the pain and quietens the child.
- Cham. 30 to 200.
9. Child with flat foot/feet.
Most of the children are born flat-foot (without arches). As they grow the arches are well formed.
Exercise for developing arches.
- Stand on toes and walk.
- Walk on the outer border of the feet.
- Treatment: Silicea in high potency.
10. Guinea Worm
It is a thread or wire-like parasite finding its way in the muscle of a human being. It is very troublesome disease picked up by a person in the places where potable water supply is not available.
I have so far found nothing directly on this disease in homoeopathy. The patients are not in position to give any worthwhile symptoms. But quite a number of persons have been successfully treated with the above three remedies.
- Ferr-p. 6x (for inflammation)
- Kali-m. 6x (as germicidal)
- Nat-p. 6x (to neutralise the acid in which these worms thrive).
- Mix all in equal quantities.
- Dose: 5 Grains 4 times a day for 7 days to 21 days.
11. Worms and accompanying complaints in children.
- Cina 30.
12. Worm symptoms, especially with constipation, tape worms.
- Gran. 30 (also Calc-c., Kousso brayera and Silicea are useful).
13. Worms. Hungry soon after eating with gnawing, digging sensation, pain in epigastrium (region of upper and front part of belly) in morning and before meals. Pale face, dark rings around eyes.
- Mercurius vivus 6x, one drop
- Santin. 2x, one drop
- Stann. 6x, one drop.
Mix all these remedies and make 3 doses. Give one dose every two hours. (Mix in 3 tablespoonful of good potable water, or distilled water).
14. Worms-pin, round in children with attendant conditions.
(a) Merc-d. 1x one drop.
(b) Santin. 1x one drop.
Mix these remedies in 2 tablespoonfuls of water and make two doses. Give one dose every 3 hours.
15. Worms round and thread.
- Chelo. Q
- 1 to 5 drops per dose.
16. Worms – Round, tape or thread worms.
- (a) Santin. 3x (b) Cina 6x (c) Sil. 6x (d) Indigo 3x (e) Nat-p. 3x
- Mix all in equal quantities.
- Dose: 5 grains after each meal. To be continued for 3 or 4 days. Repeat after a weak if necessary.
17. Worms thread (not tape worm) and ascaris lumbricoides.
- Santin. 3x (do not give when the patient is having fever or constipation). Lower potencies are often toxic.
18. Worms of all types – An excellent and tested remedy.
- Lyc. 30. 4 doses a day 4 hourly for 2 days.
- Then Verat. 6, 12 or 30. 4 doses a day 4 hourly for 12 days. (preferably 6 or 12 potency).
- Then Ip. 6, 4 doses a day 4 hourly for 7 days.
This is a course of 21 days.
19. Prevention of Smallpox.
- Vario. 200.
20. Measles (prophylactic during epidemic)
- Morb. 30 to 200
- One dose, once daily for 4 or 5 days.
Morbilinum can be given to the patient from the beginning and in that case where no other remedy is called for.
21. Hole in Heart in Children with palpitation, quick, irregular and weak pulse.
- Rus-t. 30, three times in a day.
- Syph. 200, one dose after 15 days, no other medicine on this day.
- Vitamin E, once daily after breakfast or lunch.