Homeopathic Treatment of Constipation, Diarrhoea & Piles
1. Constipation.
- (a) Nat-m. 6x (b) Nat-s. 6x (c) Kali-m. 6x
Mix all in equal quantities.
Dose: Give 5 grains in one cup of hot water for a dose, 3 times a day.
2. Constipation. Absolutely no desire, and stools were dry and hard as if burnt.
- Bry. 30 to 200
3. Constipation – Bowels inactive, ineffectual desire. Rectum seems powerless, as if plugged up. Even soft stool passes with difficulty.
- Anac. 6 to 200.
- Coll. 5 to 10 drops for a dose, three times in a day.
4. Constipation chronic. Pain in back. When walking pain through the sacrum and into the hips. Walking is almost impossible, scarcely able to rise or walk after sitting.
- Aesc. Q, 3, 6 or 30.
Sulphur, Petroleum and Agaricus are also useful remedies in this case.
5. Constipation. For toning of rectum and contraction of sphincter, and free flow of bile.
- (a)Sil. 200 (b) Nat-s. 200 (c) Nat-m. 200
Mix one drop of each in two ounces of water. Give one tablespoonful every 3 hours 4 times a day.
6. (a) Constipation very obstinate.
(b) Desire for coitus, any touch on the body of a female excites a voluptuous sensation.
- Stry. 30.
Also can be given, Canth., Camph., Fl-ac., Lach., Phos. and Plat.
7. Constipation from inability of rectum to expel the feces, the stool slips back. The rectum becomes impacted. The only way is that the stool is pulled out by some mechanical method.
- Sil. 30 to 200.
8. Constipation, stool hard and accumulated in rectum.
- Sel. 30, four times in a day. 4 hourly.
9. Constipation. Stools knotty or lumpy like sheep dung, crumbling at the verge of anus.
- Mag-m. 30 to 200.
- Coll. Q. 5 to 10 drops for a dose, three times in a day.
10. Stool dark green, jaundice, biliousness, bitter taste.
- Nat-s. 6x and 30 to 200.
11. Constipation and diarrhoea – alternately.
- Ant-c.-30.
12. Stomach disordered, diarrhoea alternates with constipation, especially in old age. Diarrhoea after overeating. Hard lumps mixed with watery discharge.
- Ant-c. 30.
14. Piles (haemorrhoids) stitches in piles during cough.
- Ign. 30 to 200.
15. Piles (hemorrhoids), very painful to touch and at stool piles discharging blood and pus.
- Nit-ac. 30.
16. Piles inflamed or bleeding.
- Ferr-p. 6x or 12x.
17. Piles-Mucus, continued oozing of mucus.
- Ant-c. 30.
18. Piles. Pain darting up the rectum every time when patient sneezes or coughs. Also stitches in piles on sneezing or coughing.
- Lach. 200 once in a week.
19. Fistula
- Give the patient a dose of Sil. 200 once a week. Do not give any other medicine to the patient on this day.
On other days give a dose of the following combination three times a day.
- (a) Aur-mur. 6 (b) Cal-f. 6 (c) Calend. 6 (d) Cust. 6 (e) Fl-ac. 6 (f) Hydrastis 6
Mix all in equal quantities.
Dose: Five to ten drops in some water for a dose, three times in a day.
Ulcerative Colitis
Ulcerative colitis is a chronic, recurring disease of the large bowel or colon. The colon is five to six feet segment of intestine that begins in the right lower abdomen, extends upward and then across to the left side, and downward to the rectum. It dehydrates the liquid stool that enters it and stores the formed stool until it is voluntarily evacuated.
When ulcerative colitis affects the colon, inflammation and ulcers or sores form in the lining of the colon. The disease may involve the entire colon – pancolitis, only the rectum – ulcerative proctitis or more commonly, some area between the two.
This disease can occur in both sexes, all races and age groups. However it is a disorder that usually begins in young people. The cause of the ulcerative colitis is not known. Some experts believe there may be a defect in the immune system in which the body’s antibodies actually injure the colon.
Others think that an unidentified micro-organisms or germ is responsible for this disease. It is also possible that a combination of factors may be involved in the cause.
The beginning of this disorder is gradually with crampy abdominal pain and loose motions that are sometimes bloody. In more severe cases diarrhoea is very severe and frequent. Loss of appetite and weight loss occur, and the patient becomes weak and very sick.
When the disorder is localised in the rectum, the symptoms are rectical urgency, bleeding and passage of small amount of bloody stool. Usually the symptoms tend to come and go, and there may be long periods without any at all. Inevitably, they recur.
The symptoms of a patient will tell whether he is having ulcerative colitis, but certain blood and stool tests are to be performed to rule out an infection that mimics the disorder.
A visual examination of the lining of rectum and lower colon – signoidoscopy or the entire colon – colonoscopy is required. This examination reveals a characteristic pattern. Small, painless biopsies are taken which also show certain features of ulcerative colitis. Barium enema X-rays of the colon are examinations to be done by a specialist.
The patients suffering from ulcerative colitis respond well to homoeopathic treatment and go about their lives with few interruptions. Some attacks may be very severe and the patient requiring a period of bowel rest, hospitalisation and a proper treatment.
In rare cases emergency surgery is required. The ulcerative colitis can affect nutrition causing poor growth during childhood and adolescence. Liver, skin, eye or joint-arthritis-problems occasionally occur. Other problems can include narrowing and partial blockade of the ducts which carry bile from the liver to the intestine.
The major concern is colon cancer when the ulcerative colitis of a patient is of long standing. The risk of developing colon cancer increases when this disease begins in childhood and exits for about eight to ten years, or when there is a family history of colon cancer.
There are number of homoeopathic remedies for the treatment. Cortisone 200, Prednisone 200, Steroids 200, Chin., Lach., Mag-c., Selenium, Sulph., Thuj, all 30 to 200 potencies.
These are anti-inflammatory and immune system suppressors remedies. An over active immune system is important in causing ulcerative colitis, and these remedies are very affective. The homoeopath has to select a remedy covering the totality of symptoms of the patient.
Although there are no foods known to injure the bowel, but during an acute phase of the disease, bulky foods, milk and milk products can aggravate diarrhoea and cramps, therefore the patient is advised to take a healthy, well balanced diet with adequate protein and calories, also multiple vitamins and iron supplement is recommended.
Stress and anxiety may aggravate symptoms of the disease, but are not believed to cause it or make it worse. Any chronic disease can produce a serious emotional reaction in the patient. The physician can usually make the patient to understand these things.
Long-standing disease of the patient which is difficult or impossible to control with medicine, surgery becomes necessary. Surgical removal of the colon cures the disease and returns good health, normal lifestyle to the patient.
In the past a bag or ileostomy was required after surgery. Now it is so much advanced that the newer operation may avoids the need for an ileostomy. In this operation a reservoir is created by the small intestine just above the rectum.
Many people suffering from ulcerative colitis lead normal active lives with few restrictions.
In allopathy there is no cure for this diseases except surgery, but this can be well managed and even cured with homoeopathic treatment. For a few patients the course of the disease may be more difficult and complicated, requiring more testing and intense proper homoeopathic treatment. In all cases follow-up care with the physician is necessary to monitor the disease and prevent any complications that arise.
1. Dysentery bloody attended with fever and great irritability.
- (a) Mer-sub-corr. 3x (b) Bell. 3x
Mix one drop of each in some water for a dose every 2 or 3 hours.
2. Dysentery. Diarrhoea with bloody stools not of severe type.
- (a) Merc-c. 3x (b) Cupr-ar. 3x
One drop of each in tablespoonful of water for a dose every 2 or 3 hours.
3. Dysentery. Pain relieved for short time after every stool.
- Nux-v. 30.
4. Dysentery with blood. Ineffectual urging to stools. Constipation, painful hard difficult stool. Itching and burning in anus. Constant acrid moisture about the anus. Fistula, fissures of anus.
- Nit-ac. 30.
5. Diarrhoea – immediately after eating or drinking. Stool green like chopped spinach.
- Arg-n. 30 to 200.
6. Diarrhoea – watery.
- (a) Valer. Q (b) Verat. 30.
7. Diarrhoea in typhoid.
- Echin. Q.
8. Diarrhoea in infants.
- Colos. – 30.