Homeopathic Treatment of Cold, Headache & Fever
1. Cold, coryza, sore throat acute.
- Sapo. 30, four times in a day, 4 hourly
2. Cold acute and chronic.
- (a) Bell. 30 (b) Bry. 30 (c) Gels. 30 (d) Rhus-t. 30
- Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: 2 to 4 drops in one teaspoonful of water for a dose. 4 times a day 4 hourly. Child: Half of the adult dose.
3. Cold breaking up.
- (a) Catar. (Catnip) 30 (b) Sapo. 30
- Four times in a day, 4 hourly.
4. Restless, over-irritability. Full and bursting headache with heat in eyes.
- Stry. 30.
5. Pains flying all over the body. Sometimes pains flying along the course of nerves. Pain back of the head, as if head would be crushed. Dull frontal headache from right to left.
- Aesc. Q, 3, 6 or 30.
6. Migraine, nervous headache, neuralgia of head, headache from chill.
- (a) Cimic. 6 (b) Iris. 6 (c) Sangin. 6 (d) Gels. 6
- Mix all the above in equal quantities. Dose: One drop in 4 teaspoonful of water for a dose, 4 doses per day 4 hourly.
7. Migraine (pain of half of the head), pain affecting one side of head (migraine).
- Menis. 3 to 30.
8. Inflammation – diseases ending in “itis” of acute character with fever, pain, congestion and restlessness. Also as an intercurrent to allay congestion and pain. (Tranquillity)
- Ferr-p. 2x, One drop
- Mag-p. 2x, One drop
- Passi. Q, 5 drops. For one dose.
One dose in some water every hour five or six doses, then one dose 4 hourly.
- Ferr-p. 2x One drop
- Mag-p. 2x One drop
- Cham. 2x One drop
For one dose. One dose in some water 4 hourly.
9. Heat stroke or heat exhaustion.
- Glon. Q (5 to 10 drops for a dose 4 times a day.)
- Glon. 30, four times in a day.
10. Hay fever with marked aggravation from breathing least dust. Frequent urination and profuse watery diarrhoea.
- Lycpr. 3 to 30.
11. (1) Headache from tea drinking. (2) Hoarseness of voice of singers and speakers.
- Sel. 6 to 30.
12. Headache due to excessive study (in girls).
- Ph-ac. 30 to 200.
13. Headache hammering in head. Heat in head.
- Cadm-s. 3 to 200.
14. Headache – Increased and decreased with sun.
- (a) Glon. (b) Nat-m. (c) Sang.
- All 30 to 200 potencies.
15. Headache of school teachers.
- Scut. Q and lower potencies, four times in a day.
16. Headache with white coated tongue. Due to sluggish liver.
- Kali-m. 6x or 12x.
17. Fever, chilliness with nausea, malarial fever.
- Echinacea Q.
18. Burning hot whole body, great heat, especially face red and hot, yet the patient can-not move or uncover in the least without feeling chilly.
- Nux-v. – 30.
19. Burning sensation from lower jaw to vertex (top of the head).
- Agro. 3 to 30.
20. Climacteric complaints, flushes of heat, attacks of perspiration, headache, depression, weakness.
- (a) Sep. 3 or 6 (b) Sang. 3 or 6 (c) Sul-ac. 3 or 6 (d) Lach. 30
- Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: One drop in 4 teaspoonful of water 4 times a day 4 hourly.
21. Afebrile – Feeling feverish but without any temperature.
- Graph. 30 to 200.
22. Meningitis.
- When sudden screaming. Apis 200. After this give Zinc. 200.
- In case of arching backward of body (opisthotonos) or bending of head on one side with fixed stare look. Cic. 30.
- If there is pin pricking sensation inside the head. Tarent. 6.
23. Meningitis, chronic intestinal toxemia (poisoned blood).
- Lycpr. 3 to 30.
24. Metritis – acute. Fever with chill and rigour and pain in the lower abdomen. Usher it, as soon as these appear give:-
- (a) Verat-v.3x. (b) Bell. 6 (c) Coloc. 6 (d) Rhus-t. 6 (e) Nux-v. 30 (f) Pyrog. 30(g) Lach. 30 to 200.
25. Metritis – Chronic.
The cause of this disease is the want of proper contraction of uterus after delivery. Artificial prevention of conception, chlorosis, a disease of female recognised by pale or greenish complexion, debility, palpitation, etc.
In this disease (chronic metritis) the uterus becomes bulky, sensation of heaviness in lower abdomen, pain in lions and breasts, painful coitus, pain and urging sensation in urethra and rectum, hysteria.
- Sabin. 3x.
26. Malaria – Anti malaria powder.
- Chinin-ar. 2x or 3x
- Ferr-p. 2x or 3x
- Nat-s. 2x or 3x
- Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: 5 grains for a dose. 4 times in a day 4 hourly for 4 days.
27. Malaria, chronic.
- Grin. Q or lower potencies.