Homeopathic Treatment of Cough & Respiratory Disorders
1. Influenza
- (a) Acon. 30 (b) Bry. 30 (c) Bell. 30 (d) Gels. 30.
Mix all these remedies. If acute, give one dose every 15 minutes, then as patient improves one dose every hour and then 3 hourly. Mix one drop of each of the above remedy in 2 ounces of water and give one tablespoonful for a dose.
- Also Eup-per. 30, Ars. 30 and Pyrog. 30 are useful.
2. Influenza – Epidemic form.
- Bapt. 30.
3. Influenza epidemic, with violent and retching (attempting to vomit) and great prostration. (When Arsenic had failed).
- Sarcol-ac. 30, four times in a day.
4. Discharge profuse, watery from nose with burning pain, nose obstructed, short hacking cough with thick yellow, sweetish expectorant.
- Sangin-n. 3x to 6x, four times in a day.
5. Breathing only through mouth (can breathe only through mouth).
- Mag-c. 3 to 30. 3 times a day.
6. Eosinophilia.
- (a) Nat-s. 6 (b) Kali-s. 6 (c) Ferr-p. 6 (d) Ars. 6
Mix all in equal quantities.
Dose: Five drops in one teaspoonful of water, four times in a day. Child: Half of adult dose.
- Ars. is good for anemia, asthmatic cough, quick respiration, profuse expectoration, extreme weakness, breathlessness on lying down. Better by sitting bending head towards chest, worse by motion, excess of eosinophil cells in blood.
7. Coryza – watery profuse, drops down throat. Itching in anterior chamber of nose, worse breathing slightest dust.
- Lycpr. 3 to 30.
8. Cough.
- (a) Apis 3x (b) Bell. 3x (c) Bry. 3x (d) Spong. 3x
All liquid. Mix all in equal quantities.
Dose: One drop for adult and 1⁄2 drop for a child in some water 4 times a day 4 hourly.
9. Cough – Dry tickling with little or no expectoration, rattling of mucus in bronchial tubes, worse at night.
- Seneg. Q, 5 drops
- Stict. Q, 5 drops
- Rumx. Q, 5 drops
Mix all in one ounce of warm water for a dose. Every two hours.
10. Cough persistent after influenza, pain in muscles of chest.
- Stry. 30.
11. Cough spasmodic, sensitive to cold wind and cold weather.
- Mag-c. 30 to 200.
12. (1) Cough spasmodic after influenza (2) Diarrhoea sets in, as coryza improves.
- Sangin-n. 30, four times in a day. 4 hourly.
13. Cough – Whooping cough with profuse mucous secretion.
- Grind. Q or in lower potencies
14. Cough whooping cough, and spasmodic cough. Patient becomes purple in face with cough, continuous hysterical cough.
- Cor-r. Q to 6x and 30.
- Pert. (Coquel) 30
- Bell. 30 equal parts.
15. Cough whooping.
- Dros. 30, one dose daily.
16. Cough dry with scanty expectoration.
- (a) Acon. 30 (b) Ant-t. 30 (c) Bry. 30 (d) Ferr-p. 30
Mix all in equal quantities.
Dose: One drop in some water 4 hourly.
17. Cough with nausea and vomiting.
- Ip. 30
18. Cough with ropy expectoration.
- Kali-bi. 30.
19. Croup (cough/diphtheria)
- Give a dose of Aconite 30 in some water in small broken doses at 15 minutes interval.
- After 2 hours give another dose of Acon. 30 as above.
- Again after 2 hours give a dose of Spong. 30 as above.
- After another 2 hours a dose of Hep. 30 in some water as above.
- After this if necessary give each medicine after 4 hours gap.
20. Bronchitis chronic. Humid asthma.
- Grind. Q or in lower potencies
21. Bronchitis chronic – To increase expectoration.
- Ange. Q, 10 drops in an ounce of warm water. Three times in a day.
- Silphu. (c) 4 doses per day 4 hourly.
22. Bronchitis chronic – internally as an expectorant in.
- Bals-p. Q or 1x.
Mix for one dose 5 to 15 drops with mucilage or yolk of egg and make its emulsion. Three times in a day, 6 hourly.
23. Diphtheria
- Phyt. 30. Prescribe early.
Feels as if lying on a board, changes position. Bed feel so hard, making the patient feel sore and bruised.
- Bapt. 30 in delirium complaining he cannot get himself together. If the stool, urine and sweat are extremely offensive.
24. Throat inflamed and sore. Hoarse voice.
- (a) Aesc. 30 (b) Alum. 30 (c) Arg-n. 30 (d) Aurum 30 (e) Phyt. 30
25. Difficulty swallowing and salty taste.
- Cadm-s. 3 to 30.
26. Dry, contracted, feeling of a lump in throat. Violent itching in roof of mouth and burning along and spasms of esophagus.
- Stry. 30.
27. Pain in throat – violent pain extending to ears on swallowing. Stitching in throat like a splinter on swallowing. Inflammation of throat, uvula and soft palate. Swelling of tonsils. Ulceration of tonsils.
- Nit-ac. 30.
28. Enlarged tongue, deep irregular ulcer, nodular swelling, mouth hot and dry, little thirst.
- Ars-h. 3 or 6 or 30.
29. Enlarged uvula.
- Alumn 30 to 200.
30. Voiceloss, hoarseness, sore throat of singers, sore throat with much pain.
- Ferr-p. 6x or 12x.
31. Voice lost.
- Kali-p. 3x to 30. Or Caust. 30
32. Voice lost. Stiff neck. Splintered sensation under nails. Wounds with splinter sensation. Tearing in the long bones of the lower limbs at night. Profuse offensive sweat of feet. Frightful dreams. Fever with thirstlessness during all stages.
- Nit-ac. 30.
33. Tonsils
- (a) Bar-c. 6 (b) Bell. 30 (c) Merc-bin-iodide 3x
Mix all in equal quantities.
Dose: One drop of each in some water 4 times a day 4 hourly. One hour before meals.
34. Tonsils – Acute and chronic, inflammation and of accessory sinuses of the nose.
- Merc-bin-iodide 3x
- Bell. 6
- Hep. 6
- Kali-bi. 3x
- Silicea 12x
Mix one drop of each in two ounces of hot water and sip it slowly. Three or four times a day.
35. Tonsils inflamed/red, painful.
- Atro-s. 6x
- Hep. 3x
- Kali-bi. 4x or 5x
- Sil. 2x or 3x
- Merc-bin-iodide 4x or 5x
Dose: One drop of each for a dose in some hot water 3 or 4 times a day.
36. Tonsils purple or black, ulcerated, sore throat.
- Echi. Q.
37. Hiccough followed by spasm.
- Cupr. 30 to 200.
38. Hiccough with belching.
- (a) Caj. 30 (b) Diosc. 3 (c) Nux-v. 30.
39. Hiccough with hysterical, nervous symptoms.
- Ign. 30 to 200
- Mosch. 30 to 200
- Nux-v. 30 to 200.
40. Hiccough with pain in back after eating or nursing the child.
- Teucr. 30 to 200.
41. Hiccough with retching and vomiting.
- Nux-v. 30 to 200.
42. Hiccough with spasm of esophagus.
- Ver-v. 30 to 200.
43. Hiccough with yawning.
- Cocc. 30.
44. Pain in-between ribs. Intercostal neuralgia.
- (a) Ars. 6 (b) Coloc. 3 (c) Ran-b. 3 (d) Rhus-t. 6
Mix all in equal quantities.
Dose: One drop in 4 teaspoonful of water for a dose. 4 doses per day 4 hourly.
45. Pain as of a lump in chest and under sternum.
- Echi. Q
46. Prevention of Tuberculosis.
- Tub. 200 to 1M.
47. Phthisis (pulmonary tuberculosis) with obstructed menstruation.
- Sene. Q to 3.
48. Respiratory affections – solution to be used with atomiser.
- Bals-p. Q or 1x.
One percent (1%) solution in alcohol or ether.
49. Pneumonia.
- (a) Bry. 30 (b) Phos. 30 (c) Ferr-p. 30.
Give 2 hours alternately.
50. Patient turns (face) blue with cough. Red burning spots on cheeks. Perspiration of face. Suffocating cough coming on about midnight. Nose blocked, awakes suddenly nearly suffocated, sits up, turns blue, and can’t expire.
- Samb. Q or 6 potency.
Q: 5 drops in some water, 4 times a day, 4 hourly.
6th potency: One drop for a dose in some water, 4 times a day, 4 hourly.
51. Infections of lungs and throat. Blood cholesterol.
- All-s. – 1x or Q
Dose: 5 drops in some water before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Asthma is a common disease that affects people of all ages. It cause the bronchial tubes or airways of the lungs to become inflamed, making it harder to breath. Asthma can be controlled.
The bronchial tubes of a person with asthma become more sensitive than the normal and over-react, especially when exposed to a “trigger factor”. The over-reaction causes inflammation, swelling and irritation of the bronchial tube lining and increased mucus.
There is squeezing or spasm of muscles in bronchial tube walls (bronchoconstriction). Inflammation and bronchoconstriction decrease or narrow the size of the bronchial tubes causing asthma symptoms.
Most asthma patients will sometimes have the symptoms present and sometimes they are not. They always have asthma though, because their bronchial tubes remain sensitive.
- Cough especially at night.
- Wheezing and noisy breathing.
- Heaviness or tightness in the chest.
- Shortness of breath.
One may have one or more of these symptoms. Symptoms are often worse in the early hours of the morning and on waking up.
Trigger factors: Trigger factors are the things which are liable to make asthma worse. The common triggers are allergy to house-dust mite, pollens, moulds, smoke from candle, kerosene vapours, cigarette smoke, fumes, animal skin, fur, saliva, viral chest infections, exercise in cold air or sudden temperature change. Certain allopathic medicines. Emotional stress, excitement, some foods and food additives.
Asthma management: The homoeopath treating an asthma patient should inform the patient, how severe his or her asthma is.
- The doctor should make sure that the bronchial tubes of the patient are at their best. The patient may be advised that he or she should buy a Breath Flow Meter to measure the volume of air coming out from the lungs, keep a record of the results, if possible make a chart.
- Have his or her allergic tests done to find out what triggers the asthma and remove or try to keep away from it.
- The homoeopath should work out an Action Plan for the patient, and advise him or her that when asthma is getting worse should take the necessary remedies supplied to take in an emergency.
The patient may be advised to get himself or herself regularly checked up and inform him about any problems about his or her asthma in order to give the proper treatment:-
- Asthma can cause days off from school or work.
- Difficulty in playing sports or going out.
- Breathing system getting worse.
- Short of breath when speaking or walking around the room and taking rest.
- Peak flow of air from lungs becomes low.
- The patient should be directed to follow the “Action Plan” at once, and should not get panicky. In case when there is no relief he/ she should send for the doctor or report to him soon.
In allopathy there are two types of inhalers to control the asthma attacks, preventers and relievers. The preventers stop getting asthma symptoms as often by decreasing inflammation and making the bronchial tubes less sensitive to triggers.
The preventers need to be used daily even when the patients do not have the symptoms, but it will not stop an attack once it has started.
Relievers work by relaxing the muscles in the bronchial tubes helping to breath more easily when having shortness of breath. It will help an asthma attack once it is started. As these inhalers cause lot of other problems, side effects, mouth and throat problems such as thrush, therefore homoeopaths condemn them, as in homoeopathy there are remedies which act very fast as preventers and relievers.
Self care
- The doctor may advise his asthmatic patients about self care, that the asthma symptoms can be well controlled with homoeopathic remedies with no side effects.
- Always rinse mouth before taking a homoeopathic remedy. Keep the remedy in mouth for some time and then swallow, or dissolve globules in mouth.
- Should keep fit. Exercise increases lung capacity. If necessary use the remedy as advised before starting an exercise.
- The patient should be told not to ignore the signs or symptoms of an asthma attack, and avoid the known triggers.
- Stop smoking.
1. Asthma.
- During spasm Blatta orientalist Q or lower potency.
- Then Blatta orientalis higher potency.
- Stop with improvement.
2. Asthma.
- Phyt. Q (b) Bry. Q (c) Ip. Q (d) Kali-s. 30 (e) Kali-m. 30
Take 5 drops each of remedy (a), (b) and (c) and one drop each of remedy (d) and (e), and mix them. This will make one dose. Mix it in one ounce of water and take a sip every 5 or 10 minutes. Take likewise 3 times a day.
3. Asthma – Bronchial.
(a) Blatta-o. Q, 5.5 ml (b) Just. Q, 5.5 ml (c) Seneg. Q, 0.69 ml (d) Lob. Q, 0.69 ml (e) Ip. Q, 0.69 ml (f) Grin. Q, 0.69 ml (g) Mag-p. 3x 3.45 gms.
Add distilled water to make it 115 ml.
Dose: 10 ml thrice daily.
Child: 5 ml thrice daily.
4. Asthma – Bronchial asthma and asthmatic bronchitis.
(a) Ars. 6 (b) Bell. 30 (c) Bry. 6 (d) Carb-v. 6 (e) Pituin 6 (f) Nat-s. 30 (g) Verat. 30 (h) Erio. 6
Mix all the above in equal quantities.
Dose: One drop in 4 teaspoonful of water, 4 times a day 4 hourly.
5. Asthma chronic.
(a) Bry. 6 (b) Bell. 6 (c) Grin. 6 (d) Lob. 6 (e) Ip. 6(f)Dros.6 (g) Spong. 6 (h) Olean. 6 (i) Blatta-o. 6 (j) Kali-m. 6 (k) Kali-p. 6
Mix all in equal quantities.
Dose: 5 to 10 drops in one teaspoonful of water for a dose. 4 times a day 4 hourly.
Child: Half of the adult dose.
6. Asthma, humid asthma, difficulty in breathing during damp weather and influenza.
- Nat-s. 6x and 30 to 200.
7. Asthma – nervous asthma, hay asthma, loss of voice from straining vocal cord.
- Kali-p. 6x and 30 to 200.
8. Asthma, nervous.
- (a) Blatta-o. 6 (b) Grin. 6(c)Ip.6 (d) Seneg. Q
Dose: Take one drop of each remedy No. (a), (b), and (c), and five drops of remedy No. (d) for one dose in one teaspoonful of cold water. Four times a day 4 hourly.
Child: Half of the adult dose.
9. Asthma with profuse tenacious expectoration, which relieves. Stops breathing when falling asleep. Wakes with a start and gasps for breath. Cannot breathe when lying down. Tough whitish foamy mucous expectoration.
- Grind. Q in 1 to 15 drops doses, also lower potencies.