Affections of Eye, Ear & Mouth

Affections of Eye

1. Discharge of white mucus from eyes.

  • Kali-m. 6x or 12x.
  • 6x, four times in a day.
  • 12x, two times in a day.

2. Frequent inclination to blink eyes. Free discharge of acrid matter from eyes. Pressure on eyes. Opacities.

  • Euphr. 6 to 30.
  • Four times in a day.

3. Eyes – burning discharge, profuse watering. Eye lids are injected, glueing of eyelids in morning, mucus on cornea.

  • Euphr. 30 to 200
  • 30 potency, four times in a day.
  • 200 potency, two times in a day.

4. Eyes – dazzling vision, smarting, soreness of eyes after working for a short time, eyes ache, burn and feel strained from fine sewing or reading too much.

  • Ruta 30.
  • Four times in a day.

5. Fundus (eye) congestion.

  • Bell. 30 to 200.
  • 30 potency, four times in a day.
  • 200 potency, two times in a day

6. Eyes hot, painful, protruding, staring, sparks before eyes. Twitching and trembling of eye lids.

  • Stry. 30.
  • Four times in a day.

7. Paretic condition of (eye) ciliary muscle. Acute granular conjunctivitis. Cornea opaque and ulcer in cornea.

  • Arg-n. 30 to 200.
  • 30 potency, four times in a day.
  • 200 potency, two times in a day.

8. Pain in eyes from over-exertion, blur, unable to distinguish letters, conjunctiva red, eyes painful and hot.

  • Meph. 1x to 3x.
  • Four times in a day.

9. Night blindness.

  • Cadmium Sulph. 30, three times in a day.
  • Phys. 3 to 30, three times in a day.
  • Hell. 3 to 200

10. Inflammation of eyes, conjunctivitis, eyes red with burning sensation. Sensation as if grains of sand were under eyelids.

Ferr-p. 6x or 12x.

11. Stye on eyelids.

  • Sil. 12x to 30.

12. Puffy eyes and face.

  • Thlas. + Capsella, Q or 6th potency.

13. Weakness of eyes (sight), drooping of eyelids, and blurred vision.

  • Kali-p. 3x to 30 to 200.

14. Weakened ciliary muscles (eye)

  • Arg-n. 30 to 200.

15. Hemorrhage retinal. Retinitis after influenza.

  • Sal-ac. 3x to 6x, four times in a day.

16. Rhinitis chronic.

  • Sang. Q to 30
  • Q: 5 to 10 drops in some water for a dose, four times in a day, 4 hourly.
  • 30 potency: One drop in some water for a dose, four times in a day, 4 hourly.

17. Cataract

  • (a) Phos. 30 to 200 (b) Sil. 30 to 200
  • If necessary give alternately.

Note: Phosphorus should not be given in too low potency or in too continuous doses. Especially in tuberculosis cases. It may act as euthanasia (to bring easy death) here.

18. Cataract in old age

  • Calc-f. 3x four pills in morning every day.
  • Nat-m. 3x four pills in evening every day.
  • Sulph. 200 one dose on every 14th day. No other medicine on this day.
  • Phos. 1000 one dose once in a month. No other medicine on this day.

19. Colour blindness.

  • Santin. 3x to 6x, four times in a day, 4 hourly.

Not to be given to the patient with fever or constipation.

20. Day blindness.

  • (a) Both. 6 to 30. (b) Phos. 6.

21. Pterygium (Pterygium is a noncancerous, fleshy growth of the conjunctiva, the clear tissue that covers the white part of the eye, that can affect one or both eyes.)

  • Rat. 3 to 6, 3 times a day.
  • Calc-s. 30, 3 times a day.
  • Sulph. 30, 3 times a day.
  • Zinc-met. 30, 3 times a day.

Affections of Ear

1. Deafness in old age.

  • Ambr. 200 one dose every 4th day for two weeks, then every week for six week or till there is improvement.

2. Hearing very acute, burning, itching and roaring in ears.

  • Stry. 30.

3. Earache.

  • (a) Acon. 3 to 30 (b) Puls. 3 to 30. If from cold.
  • Cham. 6 to 30. If pain aggravates by warmth at night.
  • Mullein oil (Verbascum) as ear drops.
  • Plantago. Q. Equal part with warm water may be dropped into the ear.

4. Ear drops. Inflammation, pain and discharge from ear.

  • Plantago. Q
  • Kali-m. Q
  • Chenopodium. Q
  • Mullein oil (Verbascum) Q

Mix all in equal quantities. Drop in ear 2 drops twice daily. Plug the ear with some cotton wool. Remove the cotton plug from the ear when going to sleep at night.

Affections of Nose

1. Epistaxis (bleeding from nose).

  • Ferr-pic. 30 to 200


  • (a) Ferr-p. 12x (b) Kali-m. 12x.
  • A dose 3 hourly for about 3 months or give 2 hours alternately.


  • (a) Arn. 30 (b) Bell. 30.
  • Give two hours alternately.

2. Ozaena (Ozena is a disease of the nose in which the bony ridges and mucous membranes of the nose waste away. Ozena is also called atrophic rhinitis.).

  • Cadmium Sulph. 3 to 30, Hydrastis. Q, 30 to 200.

3. Ulcerated nostrils.

  • Cadmium Sulph. 3 to 30.

4. Polypus, caries of nasal bone.

  • Cadmium Sulph. Q to 30.

5. Polypus of nose, acute and chronic catarrh, acute pharyngitis, influenza.

  • Sanguinarinum Nitricum. 3x to 30, four times in a day, 4 hourly.

Affections of Mouth

1. Bleeding of gums.

  • Kali-p. 30 to 200.

2. Gum boils, toothache with ulceration of the teeth, ulceration of tongue.

  • Sil. 12x to 30.

3. Sore throat, constant tickling, chilliness and aching.

  • Cadmium Sulph. 3 to 30.

4. Pain, burning in tip of the tongue. Tingling and numbness of tongue and lips as if scald.

  • Lathyrus Sativus 3 to 30.

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