Homeopathic Treatment of Burns, Cuts, Wounds & Tumors
1. Burns.
- Apply locally Cantharis 2x or 6x and give internally Canth. 30.
2. Burns, blisters, bunions, chilblain, warts, shingles etc.
- Kali-m. 6x or 12x
3. Burns, blisters.
- Grind. Q, one part in ten parts of water for local use and lower potencies for internal use.
4. Cuts, wounds and sores that are slow to heal.
- Calc-p. 6x or 12x.
5. Tetanus prevention.
- Injury received by stepping on a nail or falling on road; for prevention of tetanus give Led. 30, and then give Hypericum 30, give Arnica 30 as a general remedy for the injury.
6. To promote expulsion of fish bones, splinters and needles.
- Anag., Hep., Sil. 30 to 200.
7. Trauma mixture.
- (a) Symph. 6 (b) Ruta 6 (c) Calc-p. 6
- Mix all in equal quantities.
- Dose: One drop in 4 teaspoonfuls of water for a dose.
- 4 doses in a day 4 hourly.
8. Prevention of adhesion after operation (surgery).
- Calc-f. 3x to 12x, four times in a day, 4 hourly.
9. Pains (lightening) for improving of lightening pains, gastric, vesicle and rectal crises. For catarrhal deafness.
- Thiosin. + Rhod. 30 to 200 potency.
10. Ulcers scrofulous. Glandular enlargements.
- Chim. Q to 3x.
11. Ulcers on glans – Small on the glans or prepuce.
- Nit-ac. 30.
12. Ulcers on glans and inner prepuce with yellow ichor.
- Cor-r. 30.
13. Ulcers and pustules on prepuce. (Loose skin/ foreskin) and glans covered with pustules and round superficial ulcers.
- Ars-h. 3, 6 or 30.
14. Ulcers with swollen purplish skin.
- Grin. Q or lower potencies.
15. Varicose ulcers.
- (a) Sulph. 6 (b) Ham. 6 (c) Fl-ac. 6.
- Mix all in equal quantities.
- Dose: One drop in some water, 3 times a day.
- In case pain in the ulcers persist after giving the above medicine, then Sulph 6 alone should be prescribed, and after some time give a dose of Tub. 10M.
16. Gangrene.
- (a) Echi. p. Q (b) Lach. 30 to 200.
17. Gleet (chronic gonorrhea with muco-purulent discharge).
- Echi. Q, One drop
- Iris. Q, One drop
- Viol-t. Q, One drop
- Donovansol Q, 1 to 10 drops
In one ounce of water for a dose every 2 hours.
18. Gonorrhoea with thin and bloody discharge, burning and stitching on urination, the urethra is swollen and sore.
- Nit-ac. 30.
19. Gonorrhea
- Sandal wood 1x
- Saw palmetto 1x
- Tussilago 1x
- Kali hydroiod 1x
Mix all the remedies in equal quantities. Dose: 5 to 6 grains for a dose every two hours.
20. Cancer in mouth; gums recede and bleed easily, corners of mouth and lips cracked.
- Echi. Q .
21. Cancer of mammae (breast) in ulcerative stage, acute, lancinating pain.
- Aster. 6 to 30
- Four times in a day, 4 hourly.
22. Tumor, painful of mammae, not ulcerated with undue secretion of milk. Rapid atrophy of breasts.
- Chim. Q to 3x.
23. Cancer-tongue, malignant ulcers of mouth.
- Semp. Q or 2x
- Four times in a day, 4 hourly.
24. Epithelioma (a cancerous growth) of lips or anus.
- Cund. Q to 30, before meals.
25. Pain in cancer – to ease pain in last stage of cancer.
- Echi. – Q
One to ten drops for a dose every two hours in some water. Also can be applied locally on the affected portion.
26. Pituitary adenoma and vertigo.
- (a) Pituin. 30 (b) Plb. 30 (c) Bar-c. 30
Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: Four drops in one teaspoonful of water, four times in a day, four hourly.
27. Plantar fascitis, or Heel Spur Syndrome (fibrous growth in soles of feet)
- Rhus-t. 30.
Three times a day, 6 hourly for one week. If any improvement, continue Rhus-t. 30, till further progress.
- Calc-p. 30 or
- Calc-f. 30.
Three times in a day, 6 hourly to finish the cure of the case. Give it for some time. (To be given after operation, this will reduce the tendency to adhesions).
28. Scar tissues dissolving. Tumours. Enlarged gland. Lumps. Strictures. Opacities of cornea. Cataract.
- Thiosin + Rhod. 30 to 200 potencies.
29. Syphillis and cancer.
- Cund. Q.
30. Tumors, stricture of esophagus.
Cund. Q.