Homeopathic Treatment of Skin Problems

Homeopathic Treatment of Skin Problems

1. Rash-like roseola with severe burning and itching. Vesicular and papular eruptions. Herpes zoster.

  • Grin. Q or lower potencies.

2. Herpes zoster.

  • Grin. Q or lower potencies.

3. Freckles and copper coloured spots.

  • Calc-p. 6x or 12x.

4. Hands covered with warts.

  • Ferr-pic. 30 to 200

5. Warts like growth on head of penis

  • Sep. 30 to 200

6. Softening of skin and destroying of warts.

  • Anag. 3 to 30

7. Urticaria.

  • Nat-sal. 30
  • (b) Urt-u. 30
  • (c) Nat-m. 30

8. Urticaria.

  • (a) Graph. 6x to 30, Sulph. 6x to 30, Sil. 6x to 30, Echi. 3x to 30, Euph. 3x to 30

All in liquid form. Mix all well. Five drops for a dose

for an adult, and one drop for a child.

  • (b) Kali-p. 3x

Mode of giving the remedies.

(a) 4 hours (b) 4 hours (b) 4 hours (a)

9. Urticaria.

  • Hell. 30, Urt-u. 30, Euph. 30, Apis 30, Nat-p. 30, Kali-p. 30

Mix all well in equal quantities. A dose three times in a day, 6 hourly or four times in a day, 4 hourly. Five drops for an adult dose. One drop for a child.

10. Urticaria (Nettle rash) over whole body. Liver affections with urticaria.

  • Astac. 30, four times in a day, 4 hourly.

11. Skin – burning, itching and swelling of skin as from frost bites.

  • Agar. 30.

12. Skin disease (eczema; itching), etc.

  • Sulph. 30 or 200
  • Rumx. 30 or 200
  • Crot-t. 30 or 200

Mix all the above in equal quantities. In 30 potencies use one dose, three times in a day. In 200 potencies use one dose once a week.

13. Scabies, itch, eczema on palms of hands and fingers.

  1. Give a dose of Vario. 1M.
  2. For next 15 days start giving:- (a) Mang-act. 30, three times in a day, 6 hourly (b) Borx 30, three times in a day, 6 hourly in a day.
  3. Then give a dose of Sulph. 30, three times in a day, 6 hourly for a day.
  4. After one month a dose of Sulph. 200.
  5. After another one month a dose of Sulph. 1M.
  6. If necessary after one month give a final dose of Sulph. 10M.

14. Leucoderma, white patches of skin. Psoriasis.

  • (a) Hydrc. 3x (b) Echi. 3x (c) Ars-s-f. 2x (d) Chaul. 2x (e) Psoral. 1x

(i) Mix (a), (b), (c), and (d) in equal quantities. In this mixture mix no. (e) four times of (i) mixture. [Example: Mix one drop each of no. (a), (b), (c), and (d) and sixteen drops of no. (e)].

Dose: One drop in some water for a dose 4 times daily 4 hourly.

Child: Half of the adult dose.

15. Leucoderma (in Hindi – Phulbehri)

  • Calc-p. 6x
    • Nat-m. 6x
    • Psoral-c. Q
    • Bac. – 1M


  • Two tablets of remedy (a) and (b), three times daily.
  • Two drops of remedy (c) in 1⁄2 an ounce of water twice daily.
  • Bacillium-1M. A dose once in a fortnight. No other medicine on the day Bac.-1M is given to the patient.
  • Child: Half of the adult dose.

Lotion for applying on the effected parts of the skin: Take 15 tablets of each of the remedy (a) and (b), 15 drops of remedy (c). Mix them well in an ounce of distilled water. The lotion is ready.

Shake the bottle of the lotion well before applying and rubbing dry it on the effected parts of the skin, 3 or 4 times a day. Not to expose to sun or heat. The skin will become extremely red and serious blisters may form if exposed to sun or heat.

16. Itching, nettlerash, very sensitive to draught or air, abrasion of skin around vagina and mouth.

  • Ign. 30 to 200.

17. Itching of inside of hands and soles of feet. Itching of skin with crawling sensation.

  • Kali-p. 6x and 30 to 200.

18. Itching about the ankles and folds of skin, between fingers.

  • Sel. 6 to 30.

19. Eruption crusty in bends of joints, limbs, margin of scalp, behind ears.

  • Nat-s. 30 to 200.

20. Eruptions – Herpetic eruptions with great itching. Burning and intense itching.

  • Ran-b. 30, four times in a day.

21. Eruption miliary with intolerable itching and burning.

  • Agar. 30.

22. Eruption, moist around ears.

  • Ant-c. 30.

23. Eruption – Scaly behind ears.

  • Thlas. Q + Capsella Q or 6th potency.

24. Eczema – Acute and chronic, herpes, rashes, pimples.

  • Ars. 6 (b) Mez. 6 (c) Rhus-t. 6 (d) Sulph. 6

Mix all in equal quantities.

Dose: One drop in 4 teaspoonful of water, 4 times a day.

25. Eczema acute and chronic, pimples, herpes.

  • Ars. 30 (b) Rhus-t. 30 (c) Sulph. 30

Mix all in equal quantities.

Dose: Two to five drops in one teaspoonful of water, three times in a day.

Child: Half of adult dose.

26. Eczema and other eruption of the skin containing thick white contents.

  • Kali-m. 6x or 12x.

27. Eczema – wet.

  • Kali-s. 6x and 30 to 1M.

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