Homeopathic Treatment of Male Problems
1. Albuminuria, glomerulonephritis, nephrotic disease.
(a) Apis 6 (5 ml). (b) Phos. 6 (5 ml). (c) Ign. 6 (5 ml).
(d) Verat. 6 (5 ml). (e) Merc-c. 30 (5 ml).
(f) Ter. 30 (15 ml). (g) Nux-v. 6 (10 ml).
Mix all as per the quantities given. Dose: 5 to 10 drops in one teaspoonful of water T.I.D. 6 hourly.
Child: Half of adult dose.
2. Albuminuria, proteinuria, nephrosis, nephrosclerosis.
- Helon. 3x (b) Kalium 3x
Mix both in equal quantities. Dose: One drop in 4 teaspoonful of water for a dose, 4 times a day 4 hourly.
3. Debilitated state of sexual organ of men. Prostatitis.
- Trib. Q. 10 to 20 drops in some water, 3 times daily.
4. Debility after exhausting disease. Impotency, extreme sadness. Abject despair.
- Sel. 6 to 30.
5. To Increase urine in dropsy, albuminuria.
- Saroth 3x to 6x.
6. Pruritus glans – Penis very red. Skin of scrotum thick.
- Calad. 6 or 30.
7. Sensation in the tip of urethra as if a biting drops was forcing its way out. Involuntary dribbling.
- Sel. 6 to 30.
8. Semen dribbling during sleep. Loss of sexual power. Semen thin and odourless. On attempting coition, penis relaxes.
- Sel. 6 to 30.
7. Various kinds of old age ailments, sexual asthenia, spermatorrhea, nervous exhaustion.
(a) Ph-ac. 6 (b) Agn. 6 (c) Chin. 6
(d) Dam. 6 (e) Phos. 3 (f) Sep. 30
(g) Orch. 6
Mix all the above in equal quantities. Dose: One drop in 4 teaspoonful of water 4 times a day 4 hourly.
8. Male impotency, vigour and spermatorrhea.
- (a) Staph. 3x (b) Yohim. 3x (c)Sal-n. 3x (d) Aswagandha 3x (e) Dam. Q
Mix (a), (b), (c) and (d) in equal parts. In this mix 5 parts of the total quantity of (e). The remedy is ready.
Dose: One drop in some water 4 times a day 4 hourly.
9. Impotency
- (a) Ph-ac. 30 (b) Chin. 30 (c) Nux-v. 30 (d) Agnus 30
Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: One drop in some water 4 times a day 4 hourly.
- Tribulus terrestris Q, 10 to 20 drops in some water also can be given three times in a day.
10. Testicles – Wastage and impotency.
- Kali-br. 3x, 4 hourly
- (b) Aur. 30, 4 hourly
- (c) Iod. 30, 4 hourly
- Sabal. Q, 5 to 10 drops for a dose 4 hourly.
11. Sexual debility and impotency from over sexual indulgence, nervous exhaustion from dissipating habits.
- Dam. Q, 5 drops
- Nux-v. 2x, 1 drop
- Phos. 3x, 1 drop
For one dose. One dose in some water three times in a day.
Prostate Gland Enlargement
Prostate: The prostate is a walnut-sized gland found only in men. It is located below the bladder and it surrounds the urethra, a tube that carries urine from the bladder out through the tip of the penis. The prostate’s main function is to produce fluid for semen, the fluid that carries sperm.
B.H.P. This is a short term for a Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (a benign enlargement of the prostate gland) which is common in men over 50 years of age. Because the prostate is close to the bladder and surrounds part of the urethra, its enlargement may affect one’s ability to urinate. The person may experience symptoms such as a frequent urge to urinate especially at night, difficulty in starting to urinate, a weak or interrupted urinary flow or stream, or a feeling that the patient cannot empty his bladder completely.
If left untreated, B.H.P. can lead to serious problems, including urinary tract infection and the inability to pass urine at all. For this reason, a person with symptoms of B.H.P. should see his doctor soon. Homoeopathic remedies help to shrink the enlarged prostate and relieve the symptoms.
Although B.H.P. is not a cancer and does not lead to cancer, but the two conditions can be present at the same time. Therefore, before starting the treatment of the patient, the homoeopathic doctor should advise the patient to get himself checked up for prostate cancer.
The doctor should inform the patient that in order to treat his symptoms and control his B.H.P. effectively it is important that he should continue to take the homoeopathic treatment for such a period. Even if the patient does not feel any immediate benefit, advise him to continue the treatment, because some patients show early improvement in symptoms, and some patients after at least six months of the treatment.
For a patient having homoeopathic treatment, his doctor should enquire from him from time to time whether he has experienced any unusual symptoms. This information will help the doctor to give proper and correct treatment.
1. Prostate gland – Senile hypertrophy.
- Ferr-pic. 30 to 200
2. Enlargement of prostate.
- (a) Calc-f. 30 (b) Kali-m. 30 (c) Kali-p. 30 (d) Bell. 30 (e) Ferr-p. 30 (f) Thuja 200
Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: One drop in some water, four times in a day.
3. Enlarged prostate gland in troublesome condition in old age.
- Pic-ac. 3x. or Ferr-pic. 3x
If necessary get it operated by a skilful surgeon.
4. Sterility in Men
Azoo spermism: Absence or diseased condition of spermatozoa in the semen.
- Damiana 30 – 200 : Absence of spermatozoa with impotency due to sexual neurasthenia, chronic prostatic discharge.
- Chininum sulphuricum 30 -200 : Absence of spermatozoa with suppression of diminution of sexual desire.
- Strychninum 30 – 200 : When the azoo spermism is accompanied with great sexual desire, and or swelling of testicles.
- Conium 30 – 200 : Absence of spermatozoa accompanied with impotency, insufficient erections or absence of erections. Want of energy in coition. Emissions provoked by presence of women.
- Iodium 30 -200 : Indicated in persons who have absence of spermatozoa, violent or constant erections with increased sexual desire, testicles become small, hard and painful.
- Folliculinum 30 – 200 : When only sperm count is low.
- Pituitary 200.