Homeopathic Treatment of Ladies Problems
Menstrual Disorders
1. Menses irregular and painful.
- (a) Vib. 6 (b) Cham. 6 (c) Cimic. 6 (d) Coloc. 6 (e) Caul. 6
- Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: 2 to 5 drops in one teaspoonful of water for a dose. 4 times in a day 4 hourly.
2. Bleeding from nose during menses.
- Nat-s. 30 to 200.
3. Bleeding from nose instead of menses.
- Bry. 30 to 200.
4. Menses painful (dysmenorrhea), scanty and late with bearing down pains extending down thighs.
- (a) Caul. Q (b) Puls. Q (c) Vib. Q
- 3 or 4 drops of each of the above remedies for a dose in some water. Take such a dose 4 times a day 4 hourly.
5. Painful menses (dysmenorrhea) when pains fly to all parts of body, spasmodic, shivering, cramps and colicky pains.
- (a) Caul. Q (b) Cocc. Q (c) Vib-o. Q
- 3 or 4 drops of each of above remedies in some water for a dose, four times a day, 4 hourly.
6. Amenorrhea (stoppage of menses or retarded)
- (a)Macro. 30 to 200. (b) Puls. Q to 200.
7. Menstrual disorder – any menstrual disorder, irregular menses, stoppage of menses etc.
- (a) Joan. Q. (b) Abrom-a. Q.
- Mix both of the above remedies in equal quantity and give 5 to 20 drops for a dose in one ounce of water.
- (a) Apiol. Q. (b) Puls. Q. (c) Sabin. Q.
- Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: 5 to 15 drops in one ounce of water, four times in a day.
- (a) Apiol. 1x (b) Bry. 1x (c) Puls. 2x (d) Sabin. 1x.
- Dose: One drop of each in some water every 3 hours.
8. Menses suppressed, retarted, amenorrhea of young girls with backache.
- Senec. Q to 3.
9. Menses – Too frequent and copious. Scarcely recovers from one period before another begins.
- (a) Thlaspi Q or 6th potency. (b) Capsella Q or 6th potency.
- Sepia is also good for profuse menses.
10. Menorrhagia (profuse menses/bleeding)
- Mill. Q, 3 parts
- Sabin. 3x, 1 part
- Torm. Q, 3 parts
- Erig. 1x, 1 part
- Senec-fu.Q, 2 parts
- Mix all in proportion given. Dose: One to five drops in some water 2 to 4 hourly daily.
11. Menses excessive.
- Calc-f. 3x
- Ferr-p. 12x
- Kali-m. 3x
- Kali-p. 3x
- Nat-m. 3x
Dose: One tablet of each remedy, 4 times a day.
1. Leucorrhea
- (a) Lil-t. 2x (b) Hydr. 3x (c) Kreos. 6x (d) Puls. 3x (e) Sep. 3x
- Mix all in equal quantities.
- Dose: One to five drops in some water 4 times a day.
2. Leucorrhea before and after menses, bloody dark offensive, sore pain in womb on rising.
- Thlaspi bursa pastoris Q or 6th potency
- Capsella Q or 6th potency.
3. Leucorrhea-yellowish green, following gonorrhoea in females.
- Natrium sulphuricum 30 to 200.
4. Leucorrhea with much itching.
- Agaricus muscarius 200.
5. Pain dragging in pelvis of women. Old cases of leucorrhea, discharge of dark yellow colour thick and sticky. During pregnancy soreness and fullness and uneasy consciousness of uterus and pain across the back when walking.
- Aesc. Q, 3, 6 or 30 potency.
6. Vaginal catarrh.
- Grin. Q or lower potencies.
- 5 to 15 drops in some water for a dose.
7. Ulcer in vagina, os and cervix, deep yellow leucorrheal discharge.
- Hydr. 3x to 30.
1. Child birth – Easy
- Calc-f. 3x
- At short intervals. It brings about painless child birth.
2. Evil effects of night watching. During pregnancy causing much nausea and backache.
- Cocc. 30.
3. Enlarged abdomen (pot-bellied) of women, who have had several children.
- (a) Sep. 30. (b) Coloc. 30.
Every week, one dose of each remedy. Can also be given alternately. One dose of each remedy.
4. Constant retching, violent vomiting, nausea of pregnancy.
- Stry. 30.
5. Cramps in pregnant women.
- Cham. 30 to 200.
6. Labour pains inefficient, extending to rectum with desire for stool or frequent urination. In women pains are pressing down and extend to rectum.
- Nux-v. 30.
7. Womb – want of tonicity of. During labour when pains are deficient and the patient is exhausted and fretful and for extraordinary rigidity of OS. For revival of labour pains.
- Caul. Q or 3rd potency.
- Gels. 3 to 30 potency.
8. Women, very weary and tend to abort or no conception takes place. Seems as if the organs were tired out and are unable to perform their function.
- Sil. 30 to 200.
9. Uterus prolapsed. Prolepses of uterus and a discharge like leucorrhea. Feels as contents of pelvis would be expelled or would fall out. Disturbances of various kinds at menstrual period. Irritable and painful ovaries, such as associated with hysterical girls, suffer from unrequited affections, dreamers.
- Ant-c. 30.
Note: The uterus should be douched twice daily with warm water or with lotion of Hydrastis Q with one to ten parts of water if ulceration is present. Coitus and tight clothing are forbidden. Diet should be light and nutritious.
10. Prolapsus from atony in women (defect in muscular power or want of tone). Worn out with hard work. Tired, strained muscles burn and ache, sleepless, constant aching and tenderness over kidneys.
- Helon. Q to 6th potency.
Other Female Disorders
1. Sterility of female due to obstruction in fallopian tubes.
- Nat-c. 1M, give one dose in morning and one in evening, for one day only.
- Placebo. – For 4 days.
- Aur-m-n. 3x, a dose of 5 grains, three times a day 6 hourly for three months.
- Placebo. – For 4 days.
- Sep. 200, a dose three times a day 6 hourly for one day only.
- Placebo – For 4 days.
- Aur-m-n. 3x, a dose of 5 grains, three times a day, 6 hourly for four months.
On completion of the course of the treatment, have the patient checked, examined and X-rayed to ascertain whether the blockade of the fallopian tubes has been cleared. If not, restart the above cycle of the treatment.
2. Sexual frigidity in females
- Ign. 30 to 200.
3. Frigidity of females.
- Turnera (Damiana) Q.
Ten to forty drops in an ounce of water, three times in a day.
4. Women with very large breasts and tumor in the mammary gland with sharp pain through it.
- Chim. Q to 3x.
5. Hemorrhage – If after abortion, gushes of blood that feels hot.
- Bell. 3 to 200.
6. Hemorrhage – much from uterus, blood discharged is scarlet red, and is either liquid or in clots.
- Sabin. 3x.
7. Hemorrhage with violent uterine colic in females.
- Thlas. + Capsella Q or 6th potency.
7. Pain in uterus for hysteralgia (pain in uterus), as well as in the entire pelvis. Loss of appetite, restlessness, nausea, insomnia, digestive disturbances (during menstrual period and aggravated by movements).
- Cimic. 3x to 30.
8. Pains in uterus due to movement after delivery or hard labour, during menses.
- Arn. 6
- Cham. 6.
9. Pains after delivery
- Caul. 3 to 30, 1/2 hourly.
- Coff. 30, three hourly.
- Xan. 6, 4 hourly.
10. Pains after delivery.
- Ferr-p. 12x
- Kali-p. 3x
- Mag-p. 3x
- Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: 5 grains 4 times a day, 4 hourly.
11. Pains labour like, slight bleeding and itching in vagina.
- Sep. 12 to 30.
12. Itching, burning constantly, external parts sore, and sexual desire in the female. Menses too soon and profuse like bloody water.
- Nit-ac. 30.
13. Inflammatory condition of throat (before menses) chest and bladder.
- Senec. Q to 3.
14. Inflamed and swollen labia. Pain in vagina.
- Chim. Q to 3
15. Increasing hemoglobin and red blood corpuscles. General debility and anemic conditions.
- (a) Eclipta 3x (b) Ferr-m. 3x(c) Aven. Q (d) Hemis desmus Q (e) Amlaki Q
(i) Mix (a) and (b) in equal quantities.
(ii) Mix (c), (d) and (e) in equal quantities.
Mix (ii) into (i) 5 times of its total quantity. (Example (i) = One part, (ii) = 5 parts).
Dose: One drop in some water 4 times a day 4 hourly.
16. Discharge lochial that feels hot along with the sensitiveness and soreness of the parts. Tenderness to pressure. Inflammatory condition of breasts.
- Bell. 3 to 200.
17. Breasts shrivel (Under-developed).
- Sabal. Q to 200
- Mother tincture 10 to 15 drops in one table-spoonful of water for a dose. 3 times a day 6 hourly.
- 200 potency one to two drops in one teaspoonful of water for a dose, once in a week.
- Iod. 200.
Give one dose 3 times in a day 6 hourly for one day. Then placebo 3 times a day 6 hourly for 15 days. If any improvement, then continue giving Iodium 200 as above.
Otherwise give Staphysagria 200, once in a week, failing which give Graphites 200 or 1M as above.
18. Puerperal septicemia.
- Echi. Q.
19. Pruritus vagina/vulva.
- Calad. 6 or 30.
Apply locally to vulva hydrogen peroxide. One part in twelve parts of water.