Homeopathic Treatment of Kidney Problems

Homeopathic Treatment of Kidney Problems

1. Diabetes.

  • (a) Nat-p. 3x (b) Nat-s.3x
  • Dose: 5 grains 4 times a day 4 hourly.


  • (a) Calc-f. 3x (b) Calc-s. 3x (c) Kali-s. 3x
  • Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: 5 grains 4 times a day 4 hourly.

2. Diabetes (blood sugar).

  • (a) Gymne. Q (b) Syzyg. Q (c) Vacc-m. Q (d) Abrom-a.Q (e) Cephd-i. Q
  • Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: 10 to 15 drops in 4 teaspoonful of water, 15 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

3. Diabetes mellitus and insipidus.

  • Helon. Q to 6th potency.

4. Diabetes mellitus.

  • Nat-s. 3x, three times a day
  • Ph-ac. 1M, once in a week.

5. Diabetes, pernicious anemia, leukemia.

  • (a) Ph-ac. 6 (b) Lyc. 6 (c) Nat-s. 6 (d) Sec. 3 (e) Uran-n. 6
  • Mix all the above in equal quantities. Dose: One drop in 4 teaspoonful of water 4 times a day 4 hourly.

6. Urination – Frequent or copious albuminous at night with passage of albumen there with.

  • Ph-ac. 30 to 200.

7. Urination scanty. Enlarged prostate gland and retention of urine. Uric acid, and phosphatic gonorrhea. Cystitis. Dysuria, renal lithiasis, nephritic colic, blood and red sand in urine. Tenesmus after passing urine.

  • Stigm. Q
  • Dose: 10 to 15 drops in some water 4 hourly 4 times a day. Child: Half of the adult dose.

8. Urine – frequent desire to pass, heavy and phosphatic.

  • Thlas. + Capsella Q or 6th potency.

9. Urine – involuntary passing.

  • Arg-n. 30 to 200.

10. Urine mixed with blood and pus.

  • Cadm-s. 3 to 30.

11. Urine smells like horse urine.

  • Nit-ac. 30.

12. Sugar in urine.

  • Grin. Q or lower potencies

13. Urine suppression, due to inflammation of kidney.

  • Acon. 1x to 3 (due to cold Aconite 3) or
  • Ter. 6
  • Caust. 30.

Apply hot fomentation on bladder.

14. Stones gravel (stone) accumulation, renal colic, brick dust sediments in urine. Dysuria and spasmodic retention of urine.

  • Thlas. + Capsella Q or 6th potency.

Often replaces the use of catheter. Acts as an anti-hemorrhagic and anti-uric acid remedy.

15. Stones in kidneys.

  • (a) Mag-p. 6 (b) Canth. 30 (c) Berb. 30 (d) Bell. 30 (e) Oci. 30
  • Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: One drop in some water, 4 times in a day 4 hourly.

16. Stones Renal Calculi. (Gravel in kidneys, sharp pain across back, reddish and grey urine with epithelial cells).

  • (a) Nit-ac. 6 (b) Berb. 6 (c) Lupis renalis 6  (d) Lyc. 6 (e) Ruta tinctor 6 (f) Sars. 6
  • Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: 5 to 10 drops in one teaspoonful of water. Three times in a day, 6 hourly.

17. Stones – Renal – Renal calculi, sharp pain in kidney, pain across small of back, oxalic acid in urine, gravel, prickings, reddish and glairy urine, epithelial cells and amorphous waste matter.

  • (a) Berb. 3 (b) Nit-ac. 6 (c) Lyc. 3 (d) Sars. 3 (e) Rub-t. 3 (f) Calc. ren. 6
  • Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: One drop in 4 teaspoonful of water. 4 times a day 4 hourly.

18. Renal colic (colic of kidney and stone).

  • (a) Berb. 30 (b) Lyc. 30 (c) Canth. 30 (d) Sars. 30

Mix one drop of each in one ounce of water for a dose, and take it in small broken doses every 15 minutes in acute kidney pain. Repeat 3 hourly.

19. Kidney-Disturbances of urinary functions, pain in back, frequent urination, urinary and biliary calculi, acute congestive or inflamed kidneys, bloody urine.

  • Berb. Q, 5 drops
  • Lyc. 3x, one drop
  • Ter. 2x, one drop

For a dose in some water every two hours in acute cases and every 4 hours in mild cases.

20. Kidney –  nephritis/albumin powder.

  • Calc-p. 3x.
  • Kali-p. 3x.
  • Nat-m. 3x.

Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: 5 grains 4 times a day 4 hourly in some warm water.

21. Kidneys – constant aching and tenderness.

  • Verat-v. Q to 3x and 30 to 200.

22. Inflammation of kidneys, renal calculi, sharp pain in sacral region, peritonitis, metritis, piercing pain in bladder, inflammation of bladder, urine turbid and yellow, pain while urinating.

  • (a) Berb. 3 (b) Canth. 3 (c) Equis. 3 (d) Eup-pur. 3 (e) Dulc. 3

Mix all the above in equal quantities. Dose: One drop in 4 teaspoonful of water. 4 times in a day.

23. Dysuria (suppression or difficulty in discharging urine).

  • Tribulus terrestris (ikshugandha) Q, 10 – 20 drops in some water 3 times a day.

24. Bladder reflex increased. Frequent urination, must hurry up, else voided involuntarily.

  • Lath. 3 to 30.

25. Burning sensation and sensation of weight in the uterine region, sensation as if the contents of the abdomen are about to force out.

  • Bell. 3x to 30.

26. Colic renal, gall bladder stones.

  • (a) Berb. 1x (b) Canth. 2x (d) Coll. 3x (d) Petros. 3x (e) Crataeva 2x

Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: 5 to 15 drops in some hot water 4 times a day 4 hourly to relieve pain, otherwise in fresh water.

27. Chronic cystitis (Inflammation of bladder).

  • Thlas. Q or 6th potency.
  • Capsella Q or 6th potency.

28. Nephritis

  • (a) Hell. 3x (b) Canth. 6x (c) Juni-c. 2x (d) Merc-c. 6x (e) Ars. 6x

Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: One drops in some water 2 to 4 hourly per day.

29. Nephritis

  • (a) Apis 30 (b) Berb-v. 30 (c) Canth. 30  (d) Eucal. 30 (e) Fuc-c. 30 (g) Gels. 30 (i) Kali-m. 30 (f) Erb. 30 (h) Ferr-p. 30

Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: One drop in some water 3 times a day.

30. Nephritis.

  1. Give Bacillinum 30 one dose twice in a week for three weeks.
  2. Then start giving the following mixture:- Calc-p. 3x (b) Kali-p. 3x (c) Nat-m. 3x. Mix all in equal quantities. Dose: 5 grains dose 4 hourly 4 times a day in some warm water for two weeks.
  3. Then give Graphite 30 one dose once a day for one week.
  4. Then start giving the following mixture:- (a) Calc-s. 3x (b) Ferr-p. 12x. Mix all. Dose: 5 grains once daily for one week.

If necessary, repeat all the above in the same cycle. The treatment may have to be continued for about 3 to 4 years.

31. Kidney-acute and chronic nephritis, dropsical effusions, suppression of urine. Weak heart. Constricted feeling in the region of the heart.

  • Apoc. – 1x or Q, 5 parts.
  • Berb. Q, 5 parts
  • Cact. Q, 5 parts
  • Dig. Q, 5 parts
  • Merc-c. 3x, one part

Mix the remedies in the above ratio. Dose: 5 to 10 drops in some water every three hours.

32. Uraemia

  • For uraemia in typhoid state, when tongue is dry, vomiting, feeble pulse.
  • In convulsive type when there is headache, moist tongue, blindness, hiccough, vomiting, difficulty of breathing, twitching, convulsions, and coma.
  • Comatose type, when there is pain at pit of stomach, rapid pulse, deep sighing breathing and coma.
  1. Give Iod. Q in vomiting uraemia. Ter. 2x is a reliable remedy.
  2. This failing give:- (a) Merc-c. 30 to 200 (b) Ars. 30 to 200 (c) Canth. 30 to 200 (d) Kali-bi. 30 to 200 (e) Cupr-act. 2 to 3 potency. This is valuable in coma. If after three doses there is no improvement, give this remedy every 15 minutes.
  3. If there is still no improvement, give Opium 3x every 15 minutes.
  4. Opium failing give Urtica urens Q.

Give the patient only milk and fruit juices.

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